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               Lee Heeseung kept thinking about what happened two days ago, about what his coach said and all things that he saw and felt, the way he said those words, he saw the sense of pain and sadness lingering on his coach's eyes and the longing in his words and he wouldn't deny the fact that he felt the same feeling way back then. Back when he told his parents that he wants to join figure skating, back when his parents promised him that he will, and back when he felt so desperate to dream of becoming one of those athletes.

'I was too ambitious. . .' he remembered his coach saying like it was the most heartbreaking part as a person, he wouldn't know what to say, he should have told him that it was okay to be ambitious sometimes because being ambitious means having to reach for something that you want of capable to happen.

Then it hit him, grand champion ring, accident, was his coach really just a fan? That night, he did some research he thought it was weird to look up a person on the internet like they were mindlessly stalking but that was not it, he grew more curious – because he thinks that his coach wouldn't open up to him soon or at least, he wasn't that kind of person to open up to his personal life or so he thought.

Opening a tab, he did what he had to do and look up the name 'Park Sunghoon figure skater' he stared at it for a while, his fingers having doubts about whether to click it or not, but here he goes and as he did there it was a whole ass article of Park Sunghoon, his eyes turned wide open about what he just figured out, he was like a clown!

Heeseung was a fan of figure skating, but how come he had never noticed him? Was it because he was to focus on the highest level of figure skaters internationally or the media knew how to gate-keep him? He read every single detail he could find. "So, he was a figure skater for 10 years. . . or 11?" he said, as he was reading the blog about the professional skaters, his coach, no, Park Sunghoon.

'Park Sunghoon the ice knight. . . '

'. . . . . gold medalist 7 years in a row. . . . . .'

'. . . . Korea Winter Olympics Champion, the ice knight. . ..'

'youngest gold regional champion.'

'the third highest level ranking skater in Korea. . ..'

a new record score for the ice knight. . . '

'. . . . . . . . . . preparing for the Grand Prix Finals. . . . '

'Grand champion of the Korea Olympics. . . '

'Korea's youngest skater to Nationals. . ..'

'. . . . Car crash to the Grand Prix Finals. . .. '

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