Chapter 41: Chaos avoided

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What was happening?

It was the biggest question that circled Avy's mind, unable to say something, move from her position much more ask about the matter at hand, pertaining to the child currently screaming like crazy in front of her. The servants were also frozen in their places, but the more she realized, it was like they were careful not to make any sound, even their breathing slowed, carefully setting aside the things they were doing. 

Some of them quickly went towards their young master in an attempt to calm him down while the others rushed inside the mansion, they acted fast like they already knew what to do by experience. Avy, of course, was still on the chair as she did not dare to do anything hasty lest it causes more trouble. All she could do was watch as the servants gently whispered reassurance to the child who did not look like he was listening at all, he was curled up into a ball, now on one of the butler's arms, screaming louder whenever he senses someone coming close to touch him. 

Clion looked so weak and fragile, a small creature trying to defend himself from predators. He was small and helpless on the grassy ground of the garden while the butler knelt down next to him, trying his best to keep him at bay.  

Avy didn't know if she should step back to make way for the ones who are knowledgeable about the situation or just stay there and witness everything unfold. She was sure that she'd be alright no matter what she do since she had her two servants with her, however, a chilling sensation made all her hair stand. Clerivan and Mariel were already on guard, standing next to her and it seemed like they were willing to silence Clion if their lady wishes them to. 

She did not feel well. 

Something wasn't right and she felt that her two servants sensed it too. 

"H-he's gonna explode," she mumbled mindlessly as if she was looking at a balloon that was being pumped with air for more than it could take. The feeling that some pressure would burst out from it soon instinctively made her want to step away. 

She saw how the servants started looking terrified as all of them, other than the butler who was holding Clion down, started backing away. She could feel the danger radiating from the kid, but before she could say something, someone scooped her up from where she was sitting, it was Clerivan who then carried her away from the commotion although she was still able to get a glimpse of the butler gesturing all the servants to go, leaving both him and the small child alone in the middle of the garden. 

"He better leave too, or that kid's uncontrolled manifestation would blow him to kingdom come."

Avy was surprised to hear Ares' voice inside her head. It was the first time she's heard of him that day since he disappeared the night before hence she looked around until she saw him, in his cat form, sitting on top of a tree branch not so far away from the scene. He looked amused, the black cat even had a mischievous expression playing on his face while eyeing the commotion below. 

"What's happening?" she asked as her knight carried her in his arms, knowing all too well that she wouldn't get a good answer if she asked the curse servant of hers who was too busy making a dangerous situation his source of entertainment.

"A magic manifestation, Mi'lady," the knight answered with a solemn expression on his usually stoic face.  "A rampant one," he then added.

Although Clerivan handled her gently, she was still able to feel his grip slightly tightening as if he was getting ready to run faster if the need arises. She had an idea of what was going on, of course, she read the whole book in detail before. It was explained in the novel before because it happened to the male lead when he was a child. 

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