Chapter 39: Somewhere, Someone New

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Avy had pretty much established a connection with their family servants that she no longer feel the imaginary mocking gazes that the original Avy's rotten mindset fed her out of her declining mental state. They also became accustomed to her nature, which was her tendency to speak almost rudely and the not-so-long patience of hers, as well as her eating habits. But the new set of faces brought back the feeling that she was being watched and every move she made would be judged. Not as if she cared, but it was not pleasant.

Hence she hid away inside the room that she was given.


Avy, currently, crouched down in front of a small furball that was peacefully sleeping on a cushion that her maid got from God knows where while staring at it intently as if her questions would be answered if she did it diligently enough. 

"Dusk...?" she muttered uncertainly. 

Yes. It was happening. The 'Lady Avy' who cared not to give a name to a dying cat was having an internal crisis for not being able to find a suitable name for the said feline that rested before her. In her defense, she couldn't just call it 'cat' or something and Marie is too considerate of her to do the honor of naming the animal. She was really waiting for her to do it, knowing how she seemed too gentle towards the cat, she thought she would, but out of respect for her master, she held herself back. And Avy was too prideful to name it in front of the maid, that was why she was doing it while she was still alone and her personal servant wasn't around.

She would've named it Lucy but she found out it was a he, and her friend was female, obviously, it was out of the question. How she wished her knowledge would be useful in these kinds of situations, but no matter what she did, her naming sense is just too dumb, not that she would admit, well, not after being told it was weird to name her cactus 'Stenocereus' just because it was hard to pronounce. But what who the fuck would tell people to greet her cactus first thing they come inside her house going like, 'Hey, how's Stenocereus doing these days?'. 

Absolutely not. 

Of course, she named it not to introduce it to others, it was just on a whim, just like the time when she named the rat that accidentally found its way inside her house 'Rattus' before the said rodent left her abode. 

But seriously, her brain just stops working. 

"Why are you trying so hard to name that... thing?" 

Ares appeared next to her, not in the form of a human nor a snake, but surprise! Another cat, and just like his panter form, he was a dark-furred cat. To explain everything simply, she was thinking of using the excuse of him saving her for him to be able to land a spot inside the Arkwright mansion, but Avy thought it would be a terrible idea since Clerivan would be on edge every second of the day because of his presence. 

That's why she thought of a plan on the spot and told Ares to approach them in a cat form, but after they part ways of course. Clerivan would go crazy if he suddenly shrunk into an animal in front of him. And although the knight was against the idea of her bringing home a street cat, he surrendered and not dwelled on it any longer in fear of upsetting the moody girl that was already housing the said furball in her arms. They ended up taking him to the house, surprising Marie. "The little cat now has a sibling and he might recover faster because of it." is what the maid said.

"I was not," she hissed, standing up from her position as the small black cat trailed behind her.

"And didn't I tell you not to speak when you're like that? It's creepy." 

Avy watched as Ares, in his cat body, made his way to the bed. He settled down comfortably as if it was his own and proceeded to lick his paws like how normal cats do. He looked at her dead in the eyes and said, "No." before flopping back down. 

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