Chapter 14: Awakening

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"ยภкภ๏ฬภ ร๏ยl. (Unknown soul.)"

"รקєคк t๏ ๓є. (Speak to me.)"

Avy opened her eyes in a very dark place, it was like she was floating inside a room without anything, she couldn't feel her body and the only thing she could do was look around.

"ђคשє א๏ย คฬคкєภ? (Have you awaken?)" she felt a heavy pressure coming from behind as a cold intimidating voice rung inside her head. She turned around to see a pair of glowing red eyes that seems to be that of a big reptile staring back at her.

"Wh-what...? What kind of creature are you?" she asked, she has been living inside a world with so many odd things for no less than a week that she's no longer surprised to see something supernatural. She stared back at the unknown creature in front of her with no signs of fear in her eyes.

"เt เร ค ợยєรtเ๏ภ tђคt เ ђคשє ๒єєภ ครкเภﻮ א๏ย คгє ภ๏t Ŧг๏๓ ђєгє. (It is a question that i have been asking. You are not from here.)"  said the voice and it only took no less than a second for Avy to know who that thing was.

"So it's you. The one who keeps speaking to me these past few days." she squinted her eyes at it. Of course, she's not happy, considering the fact that the creature's words bring her so much stress whenever it speaks, not to mention the headache and drowsiness she feels right after it does.

"How did you know I'm not from here?" she asked.

"เ lเשє๔ Ŧ๏г ร๏ l๏ภﻮ, เภ ς๏ยภtlєรร ๒๏๔เєร, เภ ๔เŦŦєгєภt tเ๓єร, คภ๔ เ ђคשє รקєภt ๓๏гє tเ๓є ฬเtђ tђє ђ๏รt tђคภ คภא๒๏๔א єlรє. เ ฬคtςђ tђє๓ คll tђє tเ๓є, ๔๏ א๏ย tђเภк เ ฬ๏ยl๔ ภ๏t кภ๏ฬ เŦ คภ ๏ยtรเ๔єг ς๏๓єร? (I lived for so long, in countless bodies, in different times, and I spent time with the host more than anyone else. I watch them all the time, do you think I wouldn't know if an outsider comes?)" the creature told her which she answered with a grimace.

"You're probably aware that's sketchy, right?"

"๏Ŧ ς๏ยгรє ภ๏t! เ ๏ภlא ςคгє Ŧ๏г ๓א ๏ฬภєг, คภ๔ เt ђคร ๒єєภ l๏ภﻮ รเภςє รђє קครรє๔. ภ๏ฬ เ ค๓ l๏๏кเภﻮ Ŧ๏г ค ๓๏гtคl ฬђ๏ ςคภ ђคภ๔lє ђєг ק๏ฬєг ฬเtђ๏ยt รยςςย๓๒เภﻮ t๏ tђє ๔คгкภєรร. (Of course not! I only care for my owner, and it has been long since she passed. Now I am looking for a mortal who can handle her power without succumbing to the darkness.)"

Avy, was not by any means convinced by the creature's explanation, but nevertheless, asked him another question.

"If I am here, where's the original owner of this body?"

"tђคt ﻮเгl'ร ร๏ยl รtเll гєรเ๔єร เภ א๏ย, ๒ยt รђє ђคร ๒єєภ єคtєภ คlเשє ๒א tђє ๔คгкภєรร รђє ђคร ๒єєภ ђ๏ยรเภﻮ ђєг ฬђ๏lє lเŦє. (That girl's soul still resides in you, but she has been eaten alive by the darkness she has housing her whole life.)" it said having Avy deal with more confusion.

"Does that mean she's dead? She will never be able to come back?" she said

"เŦ א๏ย ฬєгє ภ๏t เภ tђคt ๒๏๔א, รђє ς๏ยl๔ ђคשє гเรєภ ๏ภςє คﻮคเภ คร เŦ ภ๏tђเภﻮ ђคקקєภє๔. ๒ยt รђє ฬเll Ŧ๏гєשєг ๒є ς๏๓קlєtєlא ς๏ภtг๏llє๔ ๒א ђєг ﻮгєє๔ คภ๔ ๔เє คŦtєг ค Ŧєฬ ๓๏гє אєคгร, tђคt เร ฬђคt ђคקקєภє๔ t๏ єשєгא ђ๏รt เ ђคשє єภς๏ยภtєгє๔. ๓א ๏ฬภєг'ร ק๏ฬєг ภєє๔ร ค שєรรєl tђคtשย ๒รtг๏ภﻮєг tђคภ tђє ค๒אรร เ ค๓ ђ๏l๔เภﻮ, tђєא รђ๏ยl๔ ๒є ค๒lє t๏ ๔єשคยг tђє ๔คгкภєรร คภ๔ ภt tђє ๏tђєг ฬคא คг๏ยภ๔.  (If you were not in that body, she could've risen once again as if nothing happened. But she will forever be completely controlled by her greed and die after a few more years, that is what happened to every host I have encountered. My owner's power needs a vessel that is stronger than the abyss I am holding, they should be able to eat the darkness whole and not the other way around.)"

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