Chapter 15: Starting anew

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"Sister!" Ciel immediately ran towards Avy after seeing her sitting up as if she was not dying just a few minutes ago.

"Are you still hurt somewhere? Do you feel any pain?–"

"I don't. Surprisingly." she said, cutting him off before eyeing every single person present inside the room and finally her gaze landing on her grandfather standing a couple of meters away from the bed.

"Hello Grandpa." she greeted the old man with a slight nod of acknowledgement, causing him to raise his brows a little in surprise after hearing the carefree welcome from his granddaughter which he usually only hears when she's talking to the Prince and her childhood first love.

"Child, are you sure you are not hurt?" Lord Alcasser set aside the Priest and slowly walked towards Avy with his stern expression slightly becoming softer.



Before she could even finish her sentence, her own stomach answered on its own turning the whole room silent as the five men tried their very best not to show any facial expression on their faces.

"That... That's mine." "I'm famished, I haven't eaten yet."

The two young boys said at the same time to cover for Avy, thinking that she'd be ashamed.

Duke Alcasser cleared his throat "Very well. We should probably eat since it is already noon. Call the Lady's maid to help her wash up and bring her food here, Raux." he said signalling everyone to head out of the room.

"Understood, My Lord." the head chef answered before vacating the room together with the Priest and his master. Avy looked at the two young boys who were left with her and noticed that she was not in the room she used to stay in.

"Why am I here?" she asked

"We arrived in your room with the carpet and half of your bed burned down, sister. The assassin must've used his magic on you." Ciel answered, right, he wasn't able to witness Avy performing magic instinctively because he and Light only arrived when she was already on the floor, with barely any strength left for her to even stand.

"Where's Marie?"

"Your personal maid helped the injured people since she's an aqua-type mage that can use healing magic." Light responded, even though Avy didn't say anything, he knew for a fact that she was concerned about the servant's well-being, considering the fact that she asked about her whereabouts just after she woke up from being almost killed.

"I see..." the lady looked thoughtful for a second before looking back at the two of them. "What about you two?"

They stared at her in confusion and took a couple of moments to understand what she meant.

"Y-yes sister. We will be going now." Ciel said, thinking she was asking why are they still not vacating the room. She must be tired from all of the stuff she went through and it's understandable if she wants to rest and not be bothered by them for some time.

They were about to exit the room when Avy spoke again. "I wasn't telling you to get out." she said, quite offended. It's not that she could blame them anyways, she knew that the original owner of the body is not really familiar to familial love hence she's not warm towards her family, in fact, she was never sweet to anyone except two people.

"You're not hurt, are you?" she asked them which made them stare at her, unable to comprehend what she just said. A couple of seconds later, they had their cheeks decorated with pink specks of dust of bashfulness of the question that came from the older sister who was known to be uncaring towards everyone.

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