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The thought of a scarpering destiny is absurd, more like a feeling that one could perhaps strive for without oxygen or love.

A silly thought with wavering negotiations took its place in the veins of Pirropi.

10,000 years had passed. Nothing seemingly changed in the little span, but then there was a massive alteration in the greatest liaisons of Pirropi.

When Kwan left, the brightly shining stars that were miles apart yet a family, tuned in close. The physical distance remained unhinged, but at heart, things felt better.

Jaishi was lost, with Geisha losing her envy bit by bit, and now with nothing left, the Jaishians were aimless, being nurtured by Jehovah. Yet, the loving contour of the constellation couldn't ever surmise the ruler's brewing hatred.

Geisha was now happy, guilty: she chose to hate and envy her own family when her sister always loved her and so did her nephew, Faen. Things that looked blistering in the past were just her own resolution. She thought and over-thought and her hatred built up a new realm where envy was supreme.

She felt remorse in each part of her body, yet not more than for how she had hurt the innocent, Kwan.

Talking of the Jehovah Faen, he left his throne in 556,760 Jeis. It was now 18,790 Fein. Hyon had presently taken up the throne. It was more like Faen didn't want the only son of his father to rule, so he gave his brother a chance.

Faen exactly knew how to stitch the torn ends and how to absorb the scattering envy.

"Do you know anyone who could rule Jaishi, hyung?" Hyon felt a rush of need. It was already 18,790 years of his reign, yet he couldn't provide one ruler to the throne of Jaishi.

"I don't, Almighty. I am worried as we-"

"I am not a good ruler, I suppose. You put your faith in the wrong man."

"I am certain, I am sure, I trusted the most gifted person in Pirropi. Things take time, Almighty, but they do happen. We will soon find the king..."

Faen sounded as if he had seen the inevitable future of their land.

The two sat in one of the chambers at the castle, wondering about what the future held for Pirropi. It was another weird scenario in the hearts of the supremos. What if Jaishi slowly decayed and vanished into nothing, then what?

"How are you so sure, Jehovah?"

Walking into the room, Jeong decided to meddle between the two brothers.

"I still am not sure, but I'm certain that nothing could happen to our world. I believe that notion, Jeong," Faen smiled.

Hyon was quick to run over to his husband holding him in his warmth, leaving a few pecks over his face.

"I missed you..."

"I missed you too, Hyon, but I have brought someone you both will be enthralled to entertain!" Jeong announced gleefully.

"Who?" The two brothers queried in unison.

"You need a new ruler of Jaishi, don't you?"

With that fleeting voice, the three heads turned in the direction of the source to find the one man standing at the door.


Pirropi, a fairy tale bliss?


Scarpering= to run away/ leave quickly

Jeis and Fein, are just like Before Christ and After Christ/Anno Domini that are fetched from the Gregorian calendar that is the global standard for the measurement of dates. Here, Jeis and Fein are two such supposed reigns of the fantasy world Pirropi.

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