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Summer culminated, and the stars began to awaken. The birds returned to the sovereignty and began preparing their nests. Deer could be seen skimming where the fields met the timbers once more, and blossoms flowered on the territory's tree branches with flakes of snow decorating the feathery petals.

Pirropi, a world where feelings are all that defines one's life. Broken into four stars, Pirropi is the rarest constellation in this world. Covered with snow throughout the year except for a caesura of three months of siesta, it stands alone in the adamantine world of incendiary emotions.

Pirropi contains many things other than elves and fays, gnomes, goblins, trolls, titans, or dragons; it contains the oceans, the sun, the moon, and the sky, as well as the soil and everything in it: trees, birds, water, stone, wine, food, and mortal men.

Durai, the star of happiness, stands as the first star in the Moirai of Pirropi.
Happiness pervades the land of wonders, and spring reigns in their stalwart cores amid the winter.

The second is Tewuni, the star of tears.
Submerged in the flood of the other three, Tewuni feels pain the most. It might be a broken bone or a broken heart, but they feel it all.

Sangji, the third star, the star of love.
Love crams and flows through their nerves, and love is all they give and take in return. The brackish, laughing seas of delight with a zesty, heart-filled melody and call it "sleeping eternity" out in the distant.

The final star, Jaishi, is the star of envy.
The one that scares each soul of the other three remains. Their emotions rage beyond what a heart could ever take until they destroy it all, no matter what it takes.

No matter what, the four complete the very essence of Pirropi.

You console yourself that you haven't been beheaded yet while your legs and arms are pulled from your body. I mean, why not? When your nerves are pulled strand by strand and your flesh is dried drop by drop, you just look past the blood and bones and think to yourself, "Well, at least they haven't taken me apart at the cellular level yet." Unnerving?
But each emotion comes with a price, a price that one pays either with their soul or with a dainty life.

For Durai, each ounce of happiness you give takes away a year of your life.

Tewuni feels the pain, but if a slice of happiness falls on their plates, it doubles the fervency of the ache.

Sangji gives love, takes love, and feels love. But if love breaks them, they forget the face of their paramour.

In Jaishi, empathy is a sin and can turn you into a cursed gnome with nothing but pity.

Pirropi, a fairy tale bliss.


Destined to be a short angsty story, it is now a fairy tale with angst...

Caesura: Interval

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