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A/n: This is the sequence of Kwan's realisation during his eternal unrest. And this is just the first phase.


"When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun."

- William Shakespeare, Romeo, and Juliet.

After they had heard and heeded everything, there was still more to say. Passion had to come first, igniting the flames of desire within. Following closely, there must be zeal, infusing every action with fervor and enthusiasm.

The third step should be to discern, carefully analyzing and making insightful judgments. 

Progressing onward should come fourth, accompanying a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the matter at hand.


In that moment, Kwan saw a depth in Sung-Hee, a depth that transcended the physical world and delved into the metaphysical realms of existence. He felt a connection, a spark that ignited within him, urging him to unravel the mystery that veiled Sung-Hee's soul.

Abdicating the Stone of Doom, Kwan stared at her intently. She enticed him in his days. She alluded to him in his nights. Likewise, she bewitched him in myriad unknown ways.

He could stare and gape and never squint those lids, just to keep looking at her.

Sung Hee was beautiful, enchanting. Her eyes shone in the galaxy of constellations splashing a tango, a swift brush of nimbus transparency.

As She laid on the grass, her eyes fixated on the red-glowing star, Kwan approached her with measured steps. He settled beside her, his eyes glued to her face, which exuded a mesmerizing aura under the starlit night. 

A beautiful girl enchanted by the celestial display, and the stars, in turn, seemed captivated by her.

"You love stars, don't you?" Kwan inquired softly, breaking the tranquil silence that enveloped them. 

Sung-Hee, without diverting her gaze from the heavens above, revealed a hint of admiration in her eyes. Her face lit up with a mixture of curiosity and melancholy, mirroring the vastness and complexity of the night sky.

"The glimmer in the sky seems so close, as if I could reach out and gather them in my hands, let them dance and intertwine. Yet, they remain distant, so isolated that they cannot embrace each other's light, despite their fiery, radiant nature," Sung-Hee lamented, her voice laced with a tinge of sorrow.

The glowing face turned dull, the immaculate reason for being in misery.

As her countenance shifted from awe to desolation, Kwan absorbed her words in silence, pondering the profound emotions that stirred within her. His mind echoed with her poetic musings, each word etching a mark on his soul, resonating with the rhythm of her heart.

A tumult of thoughts swirled within Kwan, a whirlwind of emotions threatening to engulf him. The words she spoke reverberated through his being, coursing through his veins like a symphony of longing and understanding. Her essence enveloped him, her presence seeping into his very core.

Ah, mellow love!

Was her heart missing the warmth too?

A placid Jaishian, a cold heart with a colder wilderness, the only star of the entire constellation that indeed felt the way it looked.

He swiftly flung his hand, grasping the cold digits of her right hand, intertwining his warmth into the chilled soul of her eternity.

"I will be here, Sung. Let me be," whispered Kwan, his voice soft like a murmur of the breeze. "I felt the way you thought, hoped, felt, and dreamt. I felt I was dreaming and thinking and feeling with you. Not only that, but I dreamt what you dreamt, wanted what you wanted, and then I realized that I truly just wanted you. Let me be here, hold your hand, and give you everything you ever desired."

"Are you sure you aren't messing with fire, Kwan? I am a Jaishian, and you are a prophet of love; you are ice, and I am fire, contradictory twain. Are you sure to fall in this pit?"

Everything turned, rotated, spinned, circled, looped, pulsated, resonated, and repeated.

Their world spun like a kaleidoscope, a whirlwind of emotions cascading through time and space. Life's circles expanded and contracted, resonating with the beats of their entwined hearts, as they stood on the precipice of a love so forbidden yet so inevitable.

And he smiled with all his heart, his eyes glossy as he leaned forward, his face hovering over her stature, "Only if you fall along with me..." And their lips met.

All so soft and sweet, bubbles of utmost fantasies blurring out the realities until the plush detonated and a searing burn took up its place.

His eyes shot open, and he found himself stranded in a desert, his lips strangled in the bite of a burning corpse. He pushed his soul and backed down, his eyes raging in the fiercest fear.

Where did Sung-hee go?

Where was he?

Why was this happening?

And again, the same pain tainted his soul.

He was a lone tree burning in the desert. A smoldering tree that the passing hurricane had left afire.

In the blistering desert, amidst the vast emptiness, Kwan found himself at a standstill, though his journey had barely begun. As he knelt on the scorching sand, his hands tingling with numbness, the unforgiving sun beat down upon him with unrelenting strength. Surrounding him were groups of lesser knights, bravely forging ahead into the unforgiving day. 

Alongside them lurked silent, elusive owls; foreboding arachnids such as tarantulas and tempest spiders; vinegarroons; and sluggish slugs. Among them slithered lizards with ominous black mouths, as treacherous as a guard dog's warning growl, and camouflaged desert basilisks, known for their ability to spurt blood from their eyes when threatened. 

Completing this perilous menagerie were the stealthy sand vipers, resembling mythical creatures in their motionless presence, adding an eerie hush to the already deadly scene.

A ring of light surrounded by a constellation of ignited eyes, all bound in a precarious armistice before this torch, whose radiance had set the stars back in their sockets.

His fiery limbs carried him closer to a chilling sight— not just one burning figure, but a multitude laid out like a haunting tapestry of flames and remorse.

He knelt closest to the carcass, his eyes straining as his shivering hands turned the face for his eyes to see who it was...


The boundaries between dreams and reality blurred, intertwining in a tapestry of profound meaning. Life, as he saw it, was a dense thicket of challenges, with no remedy other than to brave them head-on. The more he dwelt on his fears, the more potent their grip on his being became.


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