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Isn't it a gallant quest to call out the wrongs of others?

Faen pondered as he walked through the village, a beacon of cheer in a sea of solemn faces? Yet, the unceasing pursuit of joy was a greater challenge, one that demanded more than mere courage in battle. It required tenacity, kindness, and a rooted sense of integrity rarely seen in the world.

He wanted to be independent, but he served as a support for others, enraged but determined to help. The irony was that because happiness was expected to be his second nature, a part of the scenic backdrop, he was frequently left to remain as just that, unnoticed.

Throughout the day, Faen's heart would ebb and flow like a turbulent sea, torn between the desire to be alone with his thoughts and the longing for connection with others. In moments of solitude, he grappled with the paradox of his existence - a man who embodied joy but carried a burden of unseen sorrows.

By early afternoon, he was overtaken by the sensation that nothing was right, or that nothing was right for him, and the desire to be alone kept fuming in great roundabouts. By the evening, he was content: alone in the depths of his anguish, alone in his lifeless guilt, even alone in his loneliness. 

"I am not sad," he would whisper to himself in a rhythmic chant, attempting to drown out the echoes of his inner struggles. His heart, weary yet resilient, beat to the rhythm of his untamed emotions, a silent emblem of his unspoken affections for the world around him.

As night descended, Faen would lay himself down to rest, the rhythmic beating of his heart a lullaby that whispered of resilience and hope. In the quiet stillness of his chamber, he wrestled with his inner demons, repeating a mantra of self-assurance until sleep finally claimed him.

Yet, each dawn stirred him awake to find his heart comfortably nestled within his ribcage – slightly weary, somewhat frail, but continually drumming. An emblem of untamed affection was his heart.

By the falling day, he would once again seize with the longing to be someplace else, someone else, a varied soul in a different body, envious of what the others had that he lacked.
And by the next morning, he was ready to be happy and joyful.

Faen stood on the balcony of his ancestral castle, mesmerised by the celestial dance unfolding above him in the Pirropi sky. The vast expanse above him was a canvas of magic, with hues of indigo blending seamlessly into shades of amethyst and deepest black.

The bijou he held between his fingers emitted a soft glow, reflecting the mystical energy emanating from the four radiant stars that ruled this realm.

As the heir to the throne of Pirropi, Faen bore the weight of an ancient prophecy that foretold his destiny to unite the four stars and restore balance to the universe. Each star, surrounded by a halo of distinct colors, held a key to unlocking the dormant power within Faen.

The shimmering moirais whispered secrets of forgotten tales, pulling Faen deeper into the cosmic web woven by the hands of time.
Although it was unfailing, he wasn't prepared to accept the truth that he was the one who had to do it-- perhaps not immediately, but eventually. The shining halos around each star had garnered his sense of thinking; Purple around Durai, blue around Tewuni, red around Sangji, and black around Jaishi.

If one counted about a million stars hovered around the four stars. Boogey stars, Jehovah held them by hand, shaping them into being. He had revealed, how each shine said a story of how much Pirropi had seen over the years, feeling, burning, and keeping as a treasured memoir; good or bad.

Ten thousand and twenty-three years ago, the Jehovah of Pirropi, Faen's father, Geruin Fyu, abdicated the throne of Pirropi for his successor to take over...
The stars were perhaps time travellers. How many of those ancient flames were the dying echoes of long-dead suns?

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