Oliver Wood- Ex's

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You were dating the very charming Oliver Wood. It's 7th year and of course he isn't your first boyfriend. You've both dated before, I mean come on we like to live a little.

As much as you liked Oliver, your last ex was still ebbing away at you. You see him everyday in the corridors and at meals and in classes. It was a painful break up. Don't get me wrong, you're totally over him, but your not over the pain he's caused you.

Oliver had his fair share of bad ex's too but he's never shown much emotion about them or shared much about it. You felt a little silly, I mean it's been what, 2 months?

You were currently standing at the window in your dorm, below you on the ground was the hidden box of mementos from past relationships. You felt silly as the tears rolled down your face over these memories. Several paper it's covering your hands from the various polaroids that has slipped through your fingers.

You were too lost in thought to hear the door open behind you. Oliver creeped into the room, expecting to scare you and laugh it off. But as he heard you sniffle, his smile slowly faded into a frown.

"Love?" He whispered across the room. You quickly turn around and whipped your tears. A smile quickly replacing the look of sadness. "Oliver, I hadn't heard you come in" you tried your best to sound happy.

"Don't hide your emotions, I was you crying" Oliver took a few steps closer. "What's wrong?" he whispered as he slowly closed the gap between you. "Nothing" you muttered. He grabbed you chin and softly moves your face towards his. His eyes met yours and you felt emotions pool inside you, but you didn't want to let them out.

Instead you stepped back and crouched to the ground handing him a polaroid. He carefully took it from your hand and inspected it. He then crouched down next you and helped you clean up the mess that had been created around your feet. He generally places the box onto your bed and grabbed your hand, kissing it.

He led you back to his dorm and grabbed out a small box, similar in size to the one he had just placed on your bed. Without saying anything, he opened it up and grabbed several items. He placed them all in your hands and you realized what they were. The exact same thing you had, but it was him and his ex's. He too held onto the past memories, even the painful ones.

"Oliver I-" but before you could finish your sentence, he placed a finer to his lips to silence you. He walked over to his desk and pulled parchment, quills, and ink. Handing one of each to you he said "let's get rid of it all. Not the physical objects, but the feelings behind them."

You two sat in comfortable silence and wrote down emotion after emotion about each of your ex's. Once each of you had finished, he pulled out matches. "Let's burn them," "burn them?" You look at him like he was mad. "Yeah, as the fire takes the parchment and ink, it takes the feelings and emotions with it" a small smile was spread across his lips. "Ok" you breathed hesitantly.

You each took a match and lit up your parchments. You said goodbye to the emotions you had written down. Neither of you moved for 5 minutes, basking in the sadness and relief this brought.

"Dinners in 10, race you to the great hall" Oliver said before dashing for the door. For a moment you didn't move, only smiled. Then you followed him, running and letting everything fall off your shoulders. "Get back here Wood!"

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