Draco Malfoy-winter break

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You sat on Draco's bed in his dorm waiting for him to come back from quidditch practice. It always felt like he was gone for days but he claims you're just being dramatic.

Finally the door opened and Draco walked in looking exhausted. He threw all his stuff on the ground and flopped down on the bed next to you. "That bad huh?" You ask as he sighs into his pillow. Instead of answering you he rolls over on top of you.

You chuckle as he starts to complain about practice and how tired he is. But you listen quietly and softly play with his hair. Before he drifts off to sleep he looks up at you.

"Ya know, I've been thinking..." "oh no this can't be good if you're using your brain." You laugh. "Oh shut up" he scoffs back at you.

"So it's almost winter break, and I know you usually stay here, buuuuuuuuut...I was wondering if you wanted stay at Malfoy Manor with me?"

You sat in shock as you had never ever met his parents and didn't know how they'd react to you being a half blood.

He noticed and shock and panic in your eyes. He started to fidget with his fingers. "I know you're a half blood and my parents won't approve but please just consider" he mumbled. He placed his head back onto your chest and fell into a deep sleep. Leaving you alone to consider what you wanted.

When he woke up you push him off of you and with how dramatic he is, he rolled right off the edge of the bed. "Heeeey what was that for!" Anger was apparent in his voice, yet it was somewhat playful. You giggled as he climbed back up and pouted at you. You repay him by snuggling into his chest as he runs his hand up and down your back.

"I think I wanna go" you blurt out of no where. "Go where?" He asks, obviously confused. "Malfoy Manor" you mumble into his chest. He stayed silent making you worry, but when you looked up at him, he had a huge smile across his face. He kissed your forehead and whispered "mum will love you." That was all you need to hear to know you really did want to go.

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