Ginny Weasley-laser tag

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Since you were dating Ginny, it seemed right to help her experience the muggle world. It was often something simple like the zoo or the subway. But today you decided she was ready, ready for laser tag.

As you walked hand in hand to the laser tag place, you explained to her how to play. She was instantly fascinated but was worried because it sounded dangerous and she didn't want you to get hurt. You could tell she was nervous and once you asked what was wrong you broke out into laughter, quickly explaining how it's harmless.

Once you walked through the doors, she was instantly star struck by the decorations. You both got ready and headed out to play.

You knew Ginny would catch on pretty quickly but it shocked you how fast she did. She was a pro. Soon the people began to dwindle buy you and Ginny were still in. As you rushed around, you were quickly pulled into backwards by the collar of your shirt.

You crashed into a corner and Ginnys lips quickly moved to yours with a hunger and urgency. After a moment she pulled away and you looked blankly at her as you caught your breath. But before you could register anything that had just happened or what was going on, she shot you.

She flashed you a quick smile as she walked away, leaving you staring at her fire red hair as she triumphantly left you dazed and confused.

Ginny of course won and made her way over to you. You looked at her angrily as she sat down next to you. You scowled as she stuck her tongue out at you. "Don't be a sore loser love" she said sweetly. "You shot me" you said back sourly. "I wanted to win" she shrugged. "You cheated" you fought the smile that was making it's way across your face.

"I wouldn't call it cheating, I'd say I was using my advantages" She smiled at you as if she had done nothing wrong. You punched her in the arm as you stopped trying to her mad at her. How could you? She's a great at laser tag AND kissing.

Best. Girlfriend. Ever.

Harry Potter character one shots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora