Part 28

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Jimin's POV

"You know him?" Jihee was the one asking when Taehyung suddenly shouted the name in the middle of the hall, making everyone turned our way for a few seconds.

"You didn't know him, Jihee? He's a famous song producer who also raps," I was also very excited by the fact that I was currently face to face with a very famous public figure right in front of my eyes, and couldn't help but fanboy a bit.

"Oh Jimin, you're my soulmate!" Taehyung lunged his body to hug me but missed when Jungkook pulled me into his arms instead, making the man tumbled a few steps forward, thankfully didn't crash into anyone since the hall was not that packed now.

"Hands off, Jimin's mine," Jungkook clicked his tongue at his brother making me chuckled before pushing his hands away, and went forward to have a handshake with the pretty producer.

"I'm a fan, I really am," thankful that the male took my offered hand, I almost squealed when it happened.

"I'm surprised a parent knows what I look like. It's almost ten years since I stopped showing my face to the public," Yoongi commented with a soft smile on his face, and I was glad that he didn't seemed disturbed that we shouted out his name loudly the first time.

He might not want people to know who he was, like how some artists preferred living quiet life as long as they can since they now have family.

"Your songs are still in my playlist. Your last mixtape was phenomenal!" Speaking excitedly but with controlled voice, Taehyung reacted by nodding vigorously, agreeing to my every word, eyes never left the big snow white.

The small snow white was now already mingling with my son, and Jihee was more interested in capturing the interactions between the babies in her phone instead of joining the conversations with the adults.

"Ah, yeah. Thanks," the man seemed to be shy of the praises thrown to him and I decided to notch down a bit and focused on his daughter now.

"Yumi is your daughter, I didn't know you're with child," looking at the pretty girl, Hyun was seeming to be comfortable and at ease as he spoke with her.

He also protected Yumi when Jihee tried to throw ridiculous questions at her, making me smile wide at his antics.

So cute.

"Ah, yes. I've stopped making appearances in the industry and only work behind the scene after I first knew I had her. Yumi talks a lot about Hyun," he told friendly, and I was delighted to hear the new info.

"Really? That must be cute. Hyun never told us about Yumi but I saw his drawings consist of a little girl his age whenever I read his diary. Now I know who she is," telling him my part of story, I realized now that my idol during highschool was also a normal parent like me.

Who doted on his child, like us normal human being.

"Would you like to join us for lunch? We're going to have a picnic at the school field as per what school had suggested. We got too excited and have prepared too much food since this is the first time we're all together," Jungkook suggested, knowing that I'd be happy to have a longer talk with the male in front of me, and I smiled wide at his effort in making me happy.

"Oh, yes. Please join us?" Adding another invitation to Yoongi, I was relieved when he smiled.

"Sure, I need extra people to eat my food anyways since Yumi's father seems to be running late," he looked at his watch complaining about his husband, but I only see love from his eyes.

Just like how Jihee complained when talking about Taehyung.

"Thank you! Hyun, come here for a second," waving my boy quickly to approach me, Hyun came with his hand holding Yumi's, not wanting to leave the girl alone with his playful aunt, it seemed.

"Yes, mama"

"Can you help me find a great spot for our picnic together with Yumi? Yumi and her mama's going to join us,"

"Really?! Let's go, Yumi!" The boy perked up with such bright sparkles in his eyes at the info, and was fast to turn his attention to the girl.

The two smiled wide before running out towards the exit, and I chuckled soft, before looking at Yoongi who had a similar reaction to mine, simply content observing our children.

Giving a look to Jihee who understood her role as the nanny perfectly, she put up an okay sign before running out to catch the kids.

Taehyung who planned to join his girlfriend was stopped by Jungkook before he could even take a step with a firm grip on his shirt.

"Love, I'll be going to the car with Taehyung hyung to get our food, yeah?" Jungkook informed pointing to my brother-in-law-to-be, and I nodded at the two men.

"Alright," giggled looking at how devastated Taehyung looked to be caught, I just watched as they walked away to the parking lot.

"I also need to take my things from the car," Yoongi told, pointing towards the car park, and I wouldn't want to waste any opportunity to spend more time with the person I admired since young.

"Oh, can I help?"

"I'd be glad," grinning hearing Yoongi's answer, I quickly trailed beside him, as the male just smiled at my eagerness.

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