Chapter 81

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Y/n's POV:

Ever since the three of them made a decision to 'court' me, I had to make continuous efforts to hide from them.. Because one second I'll be walking to the washroom and the second I walk out I'd be gifted flowers .. They would bring me ice cream and chocolates and whatnot.. And it had been only 2 hours....

"Here y/n, I got you this face mask" Jimin chirped, "it'll really make your skin glow-"

"Oh so you're saying her skin doesn't glow already?" Taehyung retorted, "ignore him y/n, take this green tea.. it really helps clear the system-"

"So you're assuming she's constipated?" Jungkook shook his head, "y/n, baby, I had this amazing eye cream- you can put it under your eyes-"

"Ex-fucking-cuse me? Did you just call her baby?" Jimin scoffed, "are we allowed to call you with those nicknames y/n? Is that a part of the courting thing?"

"In that case I call dibs on 'my love'" Taehyung announced, "nobody's calling her my love other than me-"

"Alright that's enough" I snapped. I really needed sleep.. Today had been super exhausting and we had to leave early in the morning tomorrow but these three boys were right outside my tent, bickering with each other, while HyeMin was just enjoying the sight.. MinWoo had come out of his tent to watch them too.. "I'll take this" I took the face mask from Jimin, "and this-" the green tea from Taehyung, "and this too" the eye cream from Jungkook, "thank you so much. Good night." I turned to walk back into my tent but Taehyung held my hand.

"Are you angry at me y/n?" he asked with the slightest pout on his face.

I sighed, how could I ever be angry at that face, "no"

"Well then can I get a goodnight kiss?" his pout got bigger along with the smug look on his face that somehow looked innocent.

"OHMYGOD- you're really leaving nothing behind-" MinWoo remarked.

"This is not a part of the courting-" Jungkook said, "y/n don't kiss him-"

"Yeah, kiss me instead" Jimin stood next too Taehyung, mirroring his pout, "I'd die without your kisses y/n.."

"Oh fuck you both for shamelessly asking her to kiss you-" Jungkook rolled his eyes and stood next to Jimin, "me first y/n" he said in a low voice.

"Who's shameless now?" Taehyung snorted.

I put my face in my hands. It was pretty dark, I could only hope my cheeks weren't visible. I really couldn't believe these boys.. They were standing in front of me, their faces harboring the cutest pouts asking of kisses as if they were asking for candies on halloween...

"I'm not kissing any of you.. just go and sleep-"

"But y/n-" Jungkook started but I turned again and was ready to step into my tent when I felt someone hugging me from behind. Without turning, I knew it was Jimin. "HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR-" Jungkook started but MinWoo shushed him.

"They're having a moment" MinWoo whispered but I could still hear him, "I'd never let anyone interrupt your moments with y/n either.. or Taehyung's.. so please let us watch-"

"Good night angel" Jimin whispered into my ear and my breath hitched, he kissed my head softly, "sweet dreams." (a/n- having flashbacks from serendipity... the real ones know)

"Good night Jimin" I squealed and then cleared my throat, "you sleep well too-"

"Well, I'd think of you.. I'll definitely sleep well" I could feel him smiling even though I couldn't see his face. Purely for self satisfaction reasons I turned and looked at him. I was met with his eyes shining down on me, the biggest smile on his face.

Without really thinking I held his chin, got on my toes and kissed his cheek. I was clearly wrong about it being dark enough to hide my blush because Jimin's entire face seemed pink... He wasn't blushing this hard when we made out....

"Now that really isn't fair-" Taehyung whined, "I asked for the kiss first"

I was a little too absorbed by Jimin's reaction but then Taehyung huffed again for effect which brought my attention to him. I bit back a smile when I saw his adorable, sulking face, "come here-" I beckoned and he came over to me at once, still holding the angry expression..

I held his face and planted two kisses on either of his cheeks, "is that okay?"

"It's better than okay" he grinned, bending down to kiss my forehead, "sleep well, love"

That word had a really weird effect on me, I felt weak in the knees and just before I could topple over Jungkook came and stood behind me, "I'm honestly super jealous right now, baby" he whispered softly, his hands going around my waist gently.

I slowly turned in his embrace and kissed his jaw, "you have no reason to be"

He hummed softly and smiled, then wrapped his arms around my torso, engulfing me in the biggest hug, "good night, I love you."

"I-" he couldn't just say that so casually with literally everyone around us.. Because nothing about his 'I love you' sounded friendly anymore... "good night Jungkookie."

The smile dropped slightly from his face but before I could see any of his reactions, I felt two more pairs of arms going around us. And before I could turn, I knew it was Jimin and Taehyung.

"Oh what a happy little family" MinWoo giggled and I could hear him clapping his hands in excitement.

Once the three of them retreated to their tents for the night and HyeMin expressed how she could never choose one out of them for me, MinWoo spoke up yet again, "they all want to have a foursome with you y/n"

I visibly choked on the green tea Tae had brought for me, "some warning would be appreciated before you sprout all that unnecessary stuff-"

"I'm serious... it's like they've accepted that no one would back off so they'll have you together.."

"There's nothing like that.. they were literally fighting" HyeMin said.

"Exactly-" I cleared my throat.

"Well we shouldn't really be talking about foursomes when you just lost your virginity" HyeMin said, "and you look super exhausted.. just sleep.. Get out of the room MinWoo.. don't you have to suck your boyfriend's dick?"

He shook his head, "I'm the one who's getting some sucking tonight" he smirked, "see you later bitches."

Roughly 10 minutes after MinWoo left, HyeMin switched off the small lamp just as we were ready to go to sleep, but a very excited voice right outside our tent woke us up-


"Jimin?" I sighed, opening the tent to reveal an overly enthusiastic Jimin.


"Yes" I grunted, I never appreciated being woken up from sleep but then I looked at his face and his happiness melted away my grumpy mood.

"I'M SO SORRY, ANGEL- I JUST- I HAD TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU" he held my hands, "I wanted you to be the first person to hear this"

"What happened?"

"I got in" he beamed, "I passed my audition"

I couldn't form words, instead a huge grin split on my face as I gave Jimin the tightest hug I could muster.

"I'm so happy y/n.. thank you so much" he embraced me with greater force.

He broke the hug and spoke up, "let's celebrate this soon... let me take you out for dinner tomorrow.. a date?"

I smiled, "sounds good"

"Great" he grinned, then kissed my forehead, "I'll let you sleep now, good night y/n. Good night HyeMin"

It hadn't even been 30 seconds and my phone chimed with a notification;

Han Jisung: I heard your friend passed the audition.. I also heard he was the best amongst everyone who auditioned, saw his audition clip myself.....congratulations y/n!!! this calls for a celebration doesn't it? I'm throwing a party for your friend in 3 days.. make sure you get Jungkook <3

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