Chapter 8

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I woke up with a banging headache, not that I expected anything less but I did kinda expect God to be a little generous and maybe go a little easy on me.. I mean it's supposed to be my first day in a new University...


I tried to get up but blacked out again.. Fuck this..

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw were my boots. MY BOOTS?

Then came the flashbacks, somebody had puked on my babies and I had apparently poured alcohol on them and cleaned them with tissues.. I DO NOT take responsibility for my drunk self...

But when I saw them now, they looked like someone had washed them and gotten rid of the stains.. they still looked in a very bad condition but at least the barf was gone.. I mentally high fived myself for washing them with alcohol..

"Oh my god I didn't even change" I said to myself. One of my favorite dresses was now in the worst possible state. I would have to get this dry cleaned.. The straps were falling off, my hair were all tangled, my eyes were puffy.. I could literally feel the swelling without even seeing myself in the mirror.

"Ugh finally y/n. You sent me away five times.. But it's honestly too late now- you're gonna be late for your first day." Jungkook entered the room. Wait JUNGKOOK?

"Ahh what the fuck are you doing here Jungkook, go away" I put the blanket over myself again and threw a pillow at him.

"What? Bitch you should be grateful to me.. I got your drunk ass home last night." he looked offended.

"Well then why are you barging into my room like that?" I asked.

"It's not the first time I'm doing this." he said.

"Uh- kookie, we're not 12 anymore." I said, "you need to knock before you come in.. What if I had been naked or something?"

"Then I would've considered myself lucky." he smirked.

"Fuck you" I threw another pillow at him, but it was obviously evident how my cheeks were heating up.

"Okay but jokes apart, get up and get ready. I got you breakfast from home, and Jin hyung sent some hangover remedy, it'll help with the obvious head ache you're having." he said.

Jungkook had a spare key to my apartment. He said I'm careless and can't take care of myself or live alone, so he should always have access to this place or I will probably end up getting robbed or murdered.. He has so much faith in me......

"Have I ever told your family how much I love them?" I said, rubbing my temples.

"Everyday." he said, "get dressed, I'll warm this up. We're leaving in 15 minutes."

"Huh? 15? That's it?" I whined, "that is not enough time."

"Oh please y/n, who cares?" He said.

"But it's my first day!!! Good impression is a thing Jungkookie.. right now, I look homeless."

"You still look amazing" he said, "you could go like this and still make heads turn"

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows in complete, utter shock.. Jungkook refrained from praising me unless I needed it or I was feeling very down.

"I mean- you look like the queen of homeless people or something" he said.

"I hate you." I smiled at him, "get out now, I need to get ready for I don't know what."

Thankfully I had already placed my outfit on the bed before I left. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, took a quick shower, wore the clothes and threw my hair into a ponytail.
They weren't anything special, a pair of jeans with this super adorable sweatshirt paired with my favorite sneakers. I think I looked acceptably cute, only if we kinda subtract my raccoon like face.

"See? Perfect" Jungkook said as soon as I stepped out. He was sitting on the small dining table in the lobby, scrolling through something on his phone and sipping banana milk.

And boy did he look amazing.. He was wearing his jersey with a huge JK written on the back along with shorts that showed his extremely well toned legs... I need to stop drooling looking at my best friend's features.

"What is perfect in this?" I asked, "anyway, did I do anything weird last night?"

"Nothing much- wait, don't you remember anything?" he asked.

"I do, I mean, I remember meeting Min woo and then sending you off with a girl then meeting Hoseok oppa and then one more dude- Taehyung was it?"

"Yes, that was pretty much it.. I don't know what you spoke to Taehyung about- but stay clear of him.. he's not the greatest guy" he said, "he's one of those dudes who thinks with their dick."

"For your information, all guys think with their dicks. And Taehyung- damn he was godly- he looked like someone who would have an amazing dick" I said.

"As if you've ever seen a dick" he said and rolled his eyes.

"Seriously Jungkook, how innocent do you think I am?" I took the toast and made my way out of the house.

"Wait- what do you mean?" he asked, rushing behind me.

"I'm saying- no nothing. I'm not saying anything. OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK DID YOU CLEAN MY BOOTS?" I asked.

He nodded, "You were so upset over them.. you pouted the entire way home.. honestly you looked super cute but I thought I can't leave without cleaning them for you."

"Ugh, sometimes you're so adorable kookie" I said.

"You passed out on the floor the second you walked in.. I had to carry you to your bed- and trust me, you're heavy." he said.

"Aw" I pinched his cheeks, "you're a grown up responsible man now.. you even put a blanket on me."

"Yeah? It was freezing.. and it's not like you were wearing any clothes. So once you were tugged in, I washed the boots and left." he said.

I smiled, he was actually turning into the nicest asshole ever, "Oh but how did it go with that girl? Did you exchange numbers?" I asked locking the house.

"Of course not. Why would we? I wasn't even interested." he said, "plus, as soon as I saw you weren't where I left you, I literally left her on the dance floor."

Not gonna lie, that did make me feel good.. but then again, I felt bad for the girl..

"Okay that's douchebag behavior." I said.

"You're more important." he said casually, "come on now, we're late already."

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