Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV:

It was always amazing, thrilling rather to see Mi cha huff and go away because Jimin asked her to leave.

I had been trying to look for the girl from the party yesterday. Thankfully I hadn't forgotten the name, but as soon as I set foot in the college, I realized it wouldn't have mattered even if I did forget her name. Everybody was talking about y/n- weirdest rumors at that.

So when I heard that she was in the cafeteria, I immediately rushed there too only to find her on top of a table giving a speech.

It was hilarious, every word coming out of her beautiful mouth. Usually every girl looked mesmerizing to me when I was drunk, but she was pretty even when I was fully sober. Honestly, anybody would be sober if they had to stay up half the night hearing those dreadful, sinful voices coming out of Yoongi hyung's room last night. He didn't lie when he said he wanted to treat Hobi hyung.. Terrifying.

I headed over to Jimin once Jungkook literally had to pull her out of the place. He seemed to be in a meaningless, heated conversation with Mi cha- but being the best friend I am, I got rid of her for Jimin.

"Yeah she's sweet indeed" I smiled, "OH MY GOD SHE TOOK YOUR DRINK LAST NIGHT" I started laughing.

"Yes it was her" Jimin giggled, "she literally gave the bartender money for my next drink."

"She's so adorable" I sighed, "ugh Jiminie- I'm falling." I said.

He shook his head and laughed, "well that's a record. You're already into the second day with a crush."

"It's not just a crush, I'm in love" I said.

"Sure. I believe that." He said.

"She called me a Greek God last night" I said.

"I'm sure your brain is making that up" I said, "you were very drunk last night Tae- drunk enough to forget any normal conversation."

"Exactly Jimin. Nothing about that conversation was normal" I said and stared off into space, "she's so intimidatingly hot, she's beautiful, she's funny, she's cute, she's adorable and on top of that? She's fucking crazy. Plus she's Jungkook's best friend and I love annoying him so I guess I'm gonna pursue her."
It was true, if there was anything I loved more than myself, it was pissing off Jeon Jungkook.

"Pursue her? Which world are you living in?" He asked, "Kim Taehyung doesn't go after women."

"I've changed Jimin" I said.

"In one night. Yes absolutely." He said, "cant wait to hear what Namjoon hyung would think about this new upgraded version." He chuckled.

"No please, not him" I said, "I can't listen to another lecture about love from hyung."

"Oh I'm totally telling him once I reach home" he said, "anyway, I'm late for class. I'll see you later."

"Ugh, class. I have one too- let's see if it's worth attending" I said, "bye Jiminie"

Jungkook seemed cheerful during practice today and even though he loves practicing, he's usually very serious. But today he seemed like he would hug anybody who would try to talk to him.. but nobody really tries to talk to him- they would usually get ignored- he even laughed at one of the stupid jokes I cracked.. okay he didn't laugh but he did smile.

I was still contemplating whether I should go to the class or skip it when I  saw Jungkook leaning on the door frame of the classroom I was *supposed* to go to.
He was still at a distance but I could see that he was talking to someone.

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