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I took a deep breath as I pushed open the door to the kitchen. Kuna was washing their hands as they prepared for dinner. It would be our first dinner without Lady Dupon or Jayen. This would be the night that I got Jinan out of here once and for all. 

“Babe, are you ready?” Kuna looked over at me, a sparkle in their eyes, “if you don’t, I will.”

“I don’t think you’re in any place to be doing anything tonight, it’s a full moon and I don’t feel like chasing after you in the woods again.”

“It was one time! I thought I could catch that rabbit!” they pouted.

“Mhm, sure. Well in any case, I suppose I should get it over with now. Where is Jinan? Is Aoife still patching him up?” I reached my hand into my pocket to feel for the contact that Lady Dupon signed. Without it, Jinan wouldn’t leave and he could claim that I was lying.

“Yeah, you hit him really hard.”

“No I didn’t, he’s just got a soft skull!”

“Well now he has a lumpy skull,” Kuna shook their head. “They’re in his room right now.”

“Thank you, and be careful. If you feel like anything is changing or you get really sore. . . just come and get me okay?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, I will.” Kuna laughed.

With that I turned around and headed down the hall to Jinan’s room. I could hear them quietly talking and the curt responses Aoife was giving him. 

I rapped on the door three times. “It’s Maj, open the door.”

I could hear stomping and then the door flung open. Jinan’s hair was matted down and his ears were bright red. A look of anger and malice had contorted his face. Behind him, Aoife sat on a chair, her hands folded tightly in her lap.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Yes,” he snapped. “No thanks to you. Aoife is the only person here with some basic decency.”

“Oh this is awkward. You sound like you’re having a bad day.” I said in mock sincerity.

Jinan’s face grew red. “You are so lucky we are where we are right now because I have no issue hitting a woman.”

“I am well aware of that, but I’m about to make your day even worse.” I pulled out the contract from my pocket before he could say anything. “Do you see this? This is a contract Lady Dupon signed taht transfers you under me. I am your boss now.” I pointed to the text at the bottom, “I know you have trouble understanding basic things like not abusing your girlfriend, so I’ll just tell what it say. I have the power to fire you, and I’m absolutely using it.”

“What the hell are you talking about,” he growled. The room started to dip in temperature but I was not about to let him bully me out of this.

“It means, you’re fired. Get out of Dupon Estate right now before I get someone to force you out. You’re trespassing.” I snarled. Jinan clenched his fists and almost immediately my breath clouded in front of me. Aoife was sitting perfectly still, aside from an occasional shiver, I had to get her from that side to behind me or put some distance between them. I am a larger woman and Jinan is just some weedy kid. I could move him if it came down to it.

“Are you kidding me? You do not have the right to do that. Get out of my way, I’m going to go–”

“You’re going to get all your things together. But if you don’t I’ll gladly donate it all. Then you’re going to leave this estate and never come back.” I crossed my arms and lifted my head.

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now