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There was a loud wooden bang and then shuffling noises. What the hell was that? I stood up and walked out of the library and over to the balcony overlooking the side of the entrance hall. Jinan was holding up a very ill looking Jayen and Lady Dupon followed them close behind.

“What on Areth. . . Jayen!” Aoife came running up behind me and smacked her hands onto the banner. “Jayen are you okay?”

Either they didn’t hear her or they didn’t care.

“Jinan! Get your little dirty rat hands off of her!” I yelled. Jayen would be crying right now if she knew Jinan was touching her. Was she unconscious? What did they do to her?

Jinan looked up at me and smirked before heading down to the servants’ wing, the lady behind him. Aoife thundered down to the stairs and I followed her behind. 

Aoife reached them first, nearly toppling over as the lady side stepped her to get out of her way. Aoife body slammed Jinan, I have no idea if it was on purpose or not.

“Give her to me!” Aoife closed her arms around Jaylen to hold her up as Jinan pushed himself away from Aoife. The lady crossed her arms.

“I’m terribly sorry, my lady.” I said once I caught up with everyone. Her face was etched with fury.

“What gives!” Jinan yelled.

“Don’t touch her, don’t get near her, don’t even look at her.” Aoife picked Jaylen up bridal style, her muscles flexing. I had no idea she was that strong.

Jinan’s face darkened and he straighten his shirt. The hallway grew cold and everyone fell silent. The hallway kept getting colder and colder until I could see my breath. Nobody moved a muscle.

“Well I guess that settles it.” Jinan shrugged and walked away, taking the cold with him.

The lady had her hand lightly resting on her heart and Aoife’s eyes were wide. I rubbed my arms to get rid of the lingering cold feeling. I hated when he did that.

“I suppose. . .” Lady Dupon started but shook her head.

Aoife readjusted how she holding Jayen. Lady Dupon was staring daggers at them--at Aoife. I was concerned too, Jayen hasn’t reacted to anything yet. She was completely limp.

“I’m taking her to our room.” 

The lady was walking away already. “Do what you want.” 

I walked over to Aoife’s and Jayen’s door and opened it for them. Aoife was too busy watching Jayen to notice and walked into the room.

“Do you need anything?” I asked. Aoife placed her on the bed and Jayen groaned.

“A glass of water, and. . . maybe some soup? I don’t know what to do.” Aoife climbed on the bed and cradled Jayen. “Are you okay? Can you hear me?”

Jayen’s eyes fluttered but she didn’t move. Aoife placed her hand on Jayen’s cheek. I wrung my hands together, I didn’t know what to either. I’ve taken care of many people but that’s because I knew what was wrong with them. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.

“Did Jinan do soemthing to her?” Aoife looked up at me, her eyes wide.

“I don’t know, maybe.” I shook my head.

“She’s really warm.”

“That’s better then being cold.” I placed my hand on the doorknob. “I’ll get you your water and soup.”

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now