Chapter 23 ~ Lucky

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I don't know how it happened, but I was wiped out, for God knows how long. The last thing I remembered, was a sharp item, that pricked the scruff of my neck. After that, I just felt quite tipsy, and sleepy. Then I just- fell asleep?

I must've, as I woke up in a small room, that seemed very, outsidey.

The walls were kind of like, mud and I saw Bucky on a bed next to where I was asleep on the floor. I also saw that the roof was straw.

Bucky was just beginning to wake up, and in seeing me pretty much awake, he called me over. I jumped up, and slightly walked toward him, the reason in being slightly, was because I bolted towards Bucky, launching myself on top of him.

I seemingly pushed all the air from his lungs, as I clambered all over him, excitedly. I also realised, that all my wounds had magically disappeared. Oh well, I didn't really care how, just so long as I could be a pain in the asss, yet again, reliving my dreamsss.

After a while of struggling, Bucky managed to get up, dressed, and just about managing to squeeze through his door.

I winced at the bright sunlight, seeing not a single cloud in the sky. I took in aaalllllllll the scents around me, smelling mainly people, and some wild life, (for me to munch on later) and wonderful, glorious food.

Bucky clipped me onto my lead, patting me on the head gently, as we made our way, swiftly, over towards a singular building, larger than the rest of him. I guessed it was some sort of medical facility for humans, as it smelled slightly bleachy, but more so like science.

As we entered, I was hit by a range of different, musky smells, making me sneeze, very loudly, alerting others of our presence.

I saw a very cheerful, and beautiful woman, make her way over to us, " 'ello Mr Barnes, are you sure that your ready for this?" She asked him questioningly.

By this point, I also noticed Steve in the room, and I refocused back onto the conversation going on, above me.

Bucky nodded in agreement, "I am Shuri." So her name was Shuri.

"Okay Mr Barnes, let's get you ready for the cyrofreze." I was confused with this, what was a cyrofreze, what was Bucky doing. I became more aware of what was going on, tensing up, protective instincts, sinking into my bones, becoming increasingly overwhelmed with a bunch of emotions, all screaming at me, to not let Bucky leave me.

Shuri led us over, to a freezer looking thing. She went over to a computer at the side, and started typing away on the keyboard, before telling and explaining to Bucky and Steve what would happen. I was too focused on keeping my Bucky away from the freezer.

I felt a slight tug on my lead, which caused me to look up, instead of seeing Bucky, I saw Steve. I panicked, seeing Buckh walking towards the freezer. I started off, with a quiet whimper, soon turning to me screeching, as Bucky got closer.

I pushed myself against the strength of Steve, who also put his hand through the handle attached to my collar, presumably to prevent me from escaping, or hurting myself, like I gave a fucking shit.

I barrelled forward, still screeching, almost getting free of Steve, I felt him stumble forwards, before getting a better grip of my collar, lead, and a good grip on the floor. Bucky looked back at me sympathetically, no! no! why was he looking at me like that, he was gonna leave me.

"Tash," Bucky called my name, making me try even harder to break free, "Tasha, knock it off!" He said sternly. Like I said before, like a give a fucking shit.

Bucky sat down, and slung his legs over, so he was lying flat, facing upwards towards the ceiling.

I raised my front paws off the ground, lifting myself up a bit higher off the ground. I had more strength now, and I jerked Steve forward a couple times, almost making both Steve and myself fall.

I watched helplessly as the machine closed around him. Some sort of gas, started filling the tank around him, enclosing him with- ice?

I threw more force, accomplishing absolutely nothing. I let out a cry, and barrelled forwards, as Steve let go of my lead and collar, willingly. I shot forwards, quicker that what I've ever moved.

By the time I reached Bucky, it was too late. He was frozen, bow facing the far wall.

I whimpered, lying down next to him, giving in reluctantly, as I began a continuous series of whining. I closed my eyes, refusing to leave Bucky's side till he got up.




When I woke, it was just me, Shuri, and Ice Age, who was now over in the corner.

I was awake just in time to see T'challa walk inside, to greet his sister. I didn't even bother lifting my head up, to see what was going on.

T'challa, started making his way over to me, but as he reached me, I got up, and skidded over to where Bucky was.

In my state of depression, I didn't want anyone to be near me, I wanted to be alone, to stay with Bucky. The thought of food, hadn't even crossed my mind once, usually, I'd think about alot of food, but I didn't have a single good thought in my head. Instead I had what felt like a dark, ominous abyss wrapped around me, enclosing me with darkness.

Amd there I stayed, isolating myself, in the corner, with my Bucky. My Ice Age. With that, I closed my eyes once again, easily finding sleep, trying to proscess about a gazillion negative thoughts, all linked to both myself, and Bucky. I slowly felt my legs lighten, and my body fall, into a depressed sleeping state.

Tasha (avengers × dog)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant