Chapter 14 ~ Winter Soldier

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I glanced up slowly, as I was jerked sideways again, when the van came to a sudden halt. I mentally scoffed at his bad driving. I had recovered quite quickly, considering they weren't major injuries, doesnt mean it didn't hurt.

I was pulled from my thoughts, as I went flying into Rumlow, head butting him, in the most painful area for a boy. He was in immediate and very immense pain, doubling over.

"This mutt is a joke," I heard him saying under his breath, so only I could hear him. I also soon heard him mutter, cursing his stupidity

I couldn't help, a glint of happiness in my eyes, and a slight smile, plastered on my face, as I panted.

I studied everything, while my tongue lolled out the side of my mouth. I probably looked like an absolute nut job, but that pretty much sums it up.

I glanced up, to see a very agitated Rumlow, and a depressed looking Bucky.

I huffed loudly in annoyance, causing a few agents, around us, to look over completely confused. Bucky just looks at me with a "Come on girl this is Hydra, not a circus" expression written, all over his face.

More and more of them, started staring, creeped out by their staring. I stood up, stopped panting, and got into an attacking position. I growled, making sure I looked intimidating, before I strolled over to Rumlow, slowly heading his way.

He seemed to tense up, at my behaviour. I cocked my head to the side ever so slightly, before slinking over to him, careful of my movements. Bucky, knowing where this was going, scooted over, further away from Rumlow, anticipating my next movements.

I finally made it, in front of him, snarling loudly, before I lunged.

In a blink of an eye, he shot back, banging his head on the van wall, behind him. To his surprise, I barked at him, scaring the living shit out of him.

Because he had moved over, I jumped up onto the seats, before flopping back down. I looked down at the floor,  as I rested my head on my paws, that were dangling off the edge.




I grumbled, as I was clipped back onto a lead. There was no way in hell, that i was leaving Bucky.

In a last resort, I ran through a fountain thing, coating my fur in ice cold water, dashing up the steps, in search of Bucky.

I ran down the corridor at 90 miles per hour, reaching him in no time. I pawed at the door, causing someone to open it. The guy glanced around, soon knocked of his feet, when I went through his legs.

I looked up immediately seeing Bucky, sat in some sort of chair. Upon seeing him, I also saw an old, wrinkly man, looking over at Rumlow. Hm, what a surprise.

I felt weighed down by all the water clinging on to my fur, so I shook all the water that I could.

After a few seconds, I looked up to see Rumlow, Wrinkle man, Bucky and many other people soaked. Oops-

I barked, before charging straight under a table, through people's legs, making then trip, and finally Runlow stepped in my way.

I grumbled, and swatted him with my paw, scratching his uniform, and his skin. Hm, not bad. I saw old man, making his way towards me, my immediate reaction, was to protect Bucky.

I stood in front of him, growling. I hope I looked intimidating. Clearly I did, but it didnt face Mr. Wrinkle over there, as he kept approaching.

Who the fuck did this guy think he was? Not agreeing, to my terms! Cheeky twat. I snorted at my thoughts, before swatting old wrinkle, clean in the face *AHEM! SAS Queen activated*, when he crouched down in front of me.

Rumlow quickly started, "Pierce, should I take it out?" Pierce shook his head.

So he was lost for words, after my skillsss.

For a while, they tried chasing me around the room, till Rumlow successfully, grabbed the scruff of my neck, dragging me out.

The walk was over quick, as he threw me into some sort of kennel or cell.

Well he wasn't very nice, was he?
HINT, HINT. Note the sarcasm.




After what felt like hooours, of boooredom, a lab coat, took me out the room, leading me away.

I heard a scream, that sounded like Bucky. I pulled back in a struggle.

Bucky needed my help, I half whined, half growled, as coat guy lifted my legs off the ground. I gave up, going limp.

After a few minutes of walking, I was placed on a metal table, and strapped down, which immobilized me from moving.

Soon, I was hooked up to all these wires and needles, as a liquid was injected into my blood.

I felt a jolt of pain, convulse throughout my body. It wasn't enough for me to cry out, but enough for me to let out a singular whimper.




After hours, of being tested on, I was let off the table, to stretch my limbs out.

I hopped off the table, running out, in hopes of finding Bucky. I caught his scent, and charged atfull speed.

I saw him, and when he moved to the side, I almost collided with a glass window, luckily, I skidded along the floor. I landed infront of Bucky, and sat at his feet,wagging my tail obediently.

Instead, Bucky grumbled at me, and almost lost it. This wasn't Bucky. Not my Bucky. It looked like him, but bot quite him. He smelled... different, dark, evil.

I winced back at the smell, and I knew from that moment, that I had to escape, no matter who, or what got in my way.

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