Chapter 20 ~ What the hell is that?

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It had been a couple days, since the official name choosing of my little pup, Max. I gave him a nickname though, because he is only little, and- it suits him.

Most of the time I call him Mac N cheese for a laugh, we were also currently on the quinjet, it freaked him out alot, so I ensure, that he was no more than 1.5 metres away, at maximum. My instincts, really were kicking in, it also seemed to me, that Moo Moo, would be living alongside us.

I don't think they dared separate us, knowing exactly what I'd do, and how I'd react, and let me tell you something. It wouldn't be very pretty.

But, as much as I loved Max, he sure did tire me out alot. I am constantly knackered, and I barely have the effort, to move to food. Plus, one of the side effects of the pills, that make me exhausted, along with that,when I do sleep it knocks me out stone cold. Another one of the joyful side effects, was that it made me unable to stomach my normal portion of food, so instead I get lesser. Sad.

I do however feel bad for Steve and anyone else who has had to look after me, especially if my behaviour was like Max, because that is just, wow.

After being kicked out of my own bed, by my own pup, I slouched, against Steve's leg, not have the right motivation to hop onto the couch.

The quinjet ride had been rough, and with how things were going, and Steve must've guessed so, preparing some nice, fancy shit.

I felt like my standard dropped. I could barely keep my eyes open, without them going all teary, in need of sleep. On multiple occasions, I was caught out by yawns. How the fuck, was I supposed to be good at this.

I felt so much relief, when Steve pulled out a double mattress, laying blankets and pillows down,for into be comfy. By the looks of it, he wasn't going to lie down on it, with me, so I tugged on his arm, until he followed me.

I felt as though Steve, was the person who I spent the most time with. His kind natures, allowed me to loosen up a bit, so I was naturally a lot more calmer, and way more open.

I blanked out, as I snuggled into Steve's side tiredly, letting my eyes have some peace, allowing my body to fall into a blissful slumber.




I had gotten in a decent few hours of sleep, considering I had slept the whoooole fucking dayyy, plus the night, that allowed another day to emerge from the light of the sun.

Before doing anything else, I lightly nudged Steve's leg. I sighed, stretching out my limbs, with a shake of my fur. I also licked Steve's face, just to make sure that he was actually getting up too, as I was not going to have a case of, where the fuck is my food? They were awful. No one actually realised that hadn't been fed, so they left me.

I heard Steve groan, telling me that my unwanted wake up call, brought him out from his relaxed and oblivious state. I managed to turn handle on the door letting myself feel the fresh air of the world. My skills with doors, had gotten way better than the past, like when I took out multiple peoples' doors in just one day!

I skidded off down the hallways, withheld upper hand of having had 18 hours of sleep. I felt relief, in seeing Bucky holding the elevator doors for me. I dashed in just in time, gosh, sometimes people really were nice.

"Hey Tash, have a good sleep? By the way, Max is absolutely knackered, he tired out yesterday, after a 3 hour run, plus an extra hour of playing."

I chuffed proudly in response, now waiting for my food. Bucky, very likely made a mental note, to feed me breakfast, considering I had just run out of the room that I occupied for over 18 hours.

My insides felt like they were being churned around, in being so hungry. After all, I had pretty much missed two meals worth of food. To my relief, the doors opened up, allowing me to make a well swaggy enterance. I heard an eruption of laughter, as i prounced through happily, making sure that Bucky looked like hewas under performing.

I immediately sat impatiently, awaiting for my food. Ah, yes, because I was loosening up, I was also growing my mischievous side, to a level so of the charts, that no one had witnessed, what I was truly capable of yet. Hehehe 😈

All the meanwhile, Bucky had chucked kibble, bacon, egg, plus a few pills into a bowl. With me excitedly wagging my tail at his heels, and standing on his feet, he almost dropped the food onto my head.

When I started gulping down my food, I came across some of the pills, not even thinking about whether I should consume them or not.

By the time I had finished, Steve had made his way down, and picked up my dish, before washing it up in the sink, so it was nice and clean.

I then made my way around the room, getting strokes from the avengers. I liked living here, I thought to myself as i made my way over to Nat. Nat scratched the perfect spot, behind my ear. Nat gave great scratches, along with Clint, and Bucky, although he wasn't very good with physical contact.

A few moments later, all I heard was a loud crash, a thud, skidding, and someone yelling, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!"

I mentally laughed, knowing exactly what it was. I trotted over, only for a small Max, to collide into my legs, sweeping me from standing, almost.

I nudged Max towards the direction of the kitchen, or as I like to call it, "the magical food spawner".

I chuffed, warning others, of my presence and Max's, as he basically ran to keep up with the pace I was going, stumbling over his over sized paws as we went along.

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