Chapter 16 ~ How does this happen?

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I sat in my bed, flopping upside down, bored out of my mind. Let's just say, they discovered that I am a super dog, and I heal quite fast. Although, my shoulder is touch and go. I wasn't at full strength, and still felt a lot [f pain, but I pretend like I didn't, but the others clearly knew, considering that I was led down a lot.

I hopped off my bed, and dashed to Nat, jumping on her. At first I felt bad for her, thinking I winded her, but when she stopped moving, I soon caught on, realising that she was just faking it. Oh, she was in for it now.

I mentally scoffed at her stupidity, I was incredibly intelligent, when I wanted to be. I swatted her in the face, before grabbing the collar of her shirt, and pulling her off the bed. She landed with a loud thud. Well that must've hurt.

I'm getting Bucky vibes here. He fell off the bed face first, it was quite funny. Afterwards, he refused to pay attention to me, or even spare me a glance. Of course, he didn't have a choice, especially because I went up to him, resting my head on his knee. If I add puppy dogs eyes to anything, then I've got skillssss.

Natasha huffed in annoyance, " for something as cute as you, you sure can be a pain in the ass." She was soon giving in to getting me my food to eat, considering when she didn't last time, she regretted it, alot. I am dangerous with my food.

Natasha made her way to the door slowly as possible, she really did have it coming this time. I pushed off the ground, onto my hind legs, pushing Nat forward with my weight. She was not impressed, at all.

She opened the door, allowing me to bomb down the hallway, waking everyone up along the way. I soon found myself at Sam's door. I kicked the door, then barked twice while sitting down, awaiting his appearance, to drag him round to wake everyone else in the tower up. Bruce wasn't hard, because Sam opened the door for me, letting me swat Bruce in the head. Next was Thor. I just stood on Thor, and with no response, I took a run up and landed on him. He groaned in pain, before getting up too.

Bucky was by far the hardest, but also the funniest, as no one helped me inside. Which meant I had to get crafty. I tried opening the door with my paw, then my mouth. And when that didn't work I was really pissed off at the door. I took a run up, and barged right into the door, by mistake, I hit a weak spot. It flew off its hinges, before wacking Bucky, on the head. I was then very helpful, I stood on top of the door, balancing my weight carefully. It wasn't helping Buckh in the slightest, actually if I'm being truthfully honest, it made it harder. I then heard a muffled groan. Then I heard a muffled shout, it sounded like he was high and drunk at the same time. I heard Sam wheezing, along with Clint who must've been woken up by the ruckus. Clearly, Steve had too,but I don't think I he cared, since the cause was pretty funny.

Bucky let out a girlyish scream, followed by a series of curses. I was mentally having a severe case of dying, as Bucky kept on rambling. After a bit of time,I figured out how to open the door, when I did, I saw Bucky's angry face on the other side. I licked his face, and wagged my tail. I then ran out the room, and as if the world really wanted to give the avengers something to laugh about, Yony was just emerging from his room slightly. I couldn't stop myself now, and I went crashing into his door, which went back flying into a very confused Tony. Hm, two doors in less than 10 minutes. I must be having a really lucky day, or the avengers needed some luck.

Just as I left, I heard Bucky yell, "Bad things happen all the time, we just can't control what happens."

I then went back to dragging Nat, down the hallway towards the elevator.I smacked the button with my paw, before skipping inside happily. Everyone else followed all heading to the same place, the breakfast place.

Everyone raced inside, as I went flying into a cabinet, because I went so fast. I smelled, eggs, tomatoes, sausages, hash browns, mushrooms, beans, toast, bacon, cheese- WAIT, THESE FOODS MEAN ITS SUNDAY, AND SUNDAY MEANS- "BACON DAY!" Bucky screamed, dashing in at the smell. Bacon day by far was the best day ever, bacon is everything, I taught Bucky well indeed.

Tony grabbed my bowl off the floor, and I saw him put kibble in. Then I saw him crack an egg ontop, then for the finale, he added bacon, after fiddling with it for a while. He set it to the side to cool down, but it was quite when I was very impatient, and I had a tendency to be quite boisterous, when it came to food.

After a few minutes of torture, seeing people eat, Tonyfinally placed my dish on the floor. I was just about to shove my face in the food, until I smelled something strange. I brushed off, thinking it was nothing.

I took a mouth full of kibble and egg, scoffing it down, savouring all the taste, moving on to demolishing the rest of it. Once I had finished that, I moved onto the bacon. I grabbed a piece, and started chewing, until I felt something hard. I spat it out, and saw a small pill. I narrowed my eyes at Tony, before spitting the bacon out too. He tried to give me pills, without my knowledge, and messed with my food.

I left the pill filled bacon, and made my way towards Tony, not taking my eyes off him. Steve seemed to notice, and put me on my bed over near the tv that was sat in the living room. He then came over with my bowl, filled with bacon and pills. Steve put it near my face, causing me to look the other way. Whenever he moved it in front of my nose, I'd move my head round, avoiding it. Steve was getting annoyed, and tried holding my head in place, so I'd eat, but then still he failed.

"Guys, a little help here." Steve grumbled. Bucky and Sam quickly stood up, approaching me. I spun round, still led down, so I was facing the wall. I could hear some of the others chuckle at my actions.

Soon, Steve grabbed a hold of the bed, spinning it round, so I was facing them. I grumbled, when they got closer. Steve held my head in place, while Bucky forced my jaws open. I grumbled, and tried to pull back. "Sorry girl, but it's easier this way, and it will help you," Bucky said to me. I still wasn't pleased with what they were doing.

Sam grabbed the pills, from the bacon, and shoved them in my mouth, I growled, and went to swat him in the face, but Steve, pinned both my paws down, immobilizing me. Bucky then forced my jaws shut, and rubbed my throat. The action, made saliva gather in my mouth, making me need to swallow. They knew what they were doing, and they were sure as hell good at it, as it worked. I swallowed the pills, and Bucky and Steve released me from their grip.

They were obviously expecting me to stay there, but to their surprise, I bolted. I raced towards the stairs, and hid on one of the floors.




I was being searched for by Sam, Bucky and Steve, as they the ones who lost me. Truthfully, I needed a big long break, from the city life. It was pretty overwhelming, compared to the empty, vast lands of Iraq.

To my surprise, when Steve found me lying down in one of the many corridors, he clipped a lead round my collar. He knew that I was overdue a new one, but I was very confused, once he grabbed a bag from his room, stuffing it with his stuff.

Then I heard him tell JARVIS that he had found me, telling them to meet at the roof, with all their stuff. What was going on? Why with stuff? What stuff? Clothes and stuff here? Everyone? Where were we going? My questions, would soon be answered, when we reached the roof.

We reached the roof in a matter of minutes, and when we arrived I saw the avengers with suitcases, or backpacks. They then got in the quinjet, and put all their stuff in one area, as Sam and Bucky strapped it down.

I looked around, confused when we headed off, with Nat and Bruce flying. Everyone else was either having quiet conversations, or doing nothing. I hopped onto the seat, between Steve and Bucky. I layed down, resting the upper half of my body, over Steve so I would fit on the seat, well... mostly. You can't really expect a big fluffy german shepherd to fit on such a small seat.

With that I sighed, and closed my eyes, before drifting into a dreamless, deep sleep.

Tasha (avengers × dog)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя