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I look up into Harden's eyes. He sees and smiles at me. I start to feel dizzy, probably from blood loss. Right as we start to walk up the stairs, I see other gang members.

"You're a little late," Harden says angrily. I start to close my eyes.

"Keep your eyes open angel. Miles said the doctor is waiting at the house for us." I just nod and force my eyes open, determined not to be weak.

The pain is so bad I can't even think to form sentences. We get in a truck, with me sitting on Harden's lap. Smeared against him. I close my eyes feeling so tired.

"Angel, you have to keep your eyes open." He tells me again. I snap my eyes open.

'How much longer?" I manage to ask.

"Only two more minutes angel. You can do this." I look up with sad, tired eyes and nod. I can do this; I think to myself. I look out the front window and relax a little when I see the house come into view.

The driver suddenly stops, and Harden flings the door open. He practically runs inside with me in his arms. He hurries down a hallway I've never seen before and walks into a doctor's office. He sets me on a table. The doctor looks down at me.

"How is he still conscious?" He asks. Harden just shrugs. I see Miles standing in the corner.

"He's going to need surgery. The knives in pretty deep. We will need to remove it then close the wound," The doctor tells Harden and Miles, who both nod.

I start to close my eyes right as the doctor puts a mask over my face. I breathe in the gas and somehow manage to get even more tired. After fighting the gas, I give in tiredly. Everything goes black.

"Hey angel, how are you doing?" I hear someone asks as I open my eyes. I flinch at the harsh lights. After a minute I open my eyes and see Harden. I go to talk, but my throats to dry.

I point at a cup of water. He picks it up and guides the straw to my mouth. I quickly gulp down everything in the cup.

'My leg hurts a little, but other than that I feel fine."

"That's good. You're on a lot of pain medicine. They got the knife out, but it had hit an artery. You lost a lot of blood, but they stitched everything up. They expect you to make a full recovery, but you'll have a nasty scar," He tells me. I nod.

"Oh Miles said you can a month off. Do you want to know the best part? He gave me a month off too." I furrow my eyebrows confused. I don't know a lot about mafias, but I didn't think the leaders were supposed to be so kind. As if he heard me, Harden answered my questions.

"Mafias and the bosses are usually mean, but Miles. He's my best friend, not my boss. I didn't ask for the month off. I told him I was taking a month off." He tells me with a chuckle. I go to laugh, but when my body shakes, I immediately flinch at the pain.

I stop moving and just look up at Harden with a glint in my eyes. I still feel like I'm dreaming. Even after almost dying, I still feel like I'm living a dream. Harden gently moves me over and lays down in the bed beside me.

"Go to sleep angel," He tells me, kissing my head. I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

"You need to keep a close eye on him." I hear the doctor tell Harden. I assume he nodded, because I hear the doctor leave, shutting the door behind him.

"When can I be moved back to our room?" I ask Harden.

"Well Miles just ordered us a bigger bed, so we won't have to keep sharing my twin bed."

"Yeah, I doubt my cast would fit."

"Yeah, the bed is coming tomorrow. Then once me and Miles put it together in the morning, we can move you in there." I nod at him.

"Can you pull up the office?" I ask pointing to the tv hanging in the corner of the room. He nods and grabs the remote. I watch as he pulls it up. I scoot over, letting him slide in beside me. He pulls me against him. I rest my head against his chest and relax. My life couldn't be any better even if I was in control. I can't fight the smile that makes it's way onto my face.

"What's got you smiling so hard?" Harden asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"You," I answer honestly. Harden starts smiling at that.

"I'm glad I make you happy."

"More than you know." I push my self more into Harden. He puts his arm on both sides of me, holding me.

"I love you so freaking much," Harden tells me.

"I love you too," I say to him.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"You too," I tell Harden. Harden squeezes me a little tighter. We both go back to watching The Office. We both get pulled from the show when we hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," Harden grunts out.

"Hey Sawyer, how are you doing?" Miles asks.

"I'll survive," I tell him. He smiles at me.

"I'm glad. I figured out what took the guys so long to get to you. Apparently the door to the basement was hidden, so they only knew you were down there when they heard the gunshots. By the way Harden, how did you get a gun?"

"Well the guy tied my arms up to a nail, and I broke the rope off on the nail, then put my arms around the guy's neck, and you know the rest." I nod, finally getting the whole story.

"Well Sawyer I'm glad you're okay," Miles tells me as he walks out, leaving me and Harden laying together enjoying each other's presence.

My Captor and Savior ✔︎ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora