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"Well, I guess that'd be when my mom died. Because before that we were a happy normal family." I lay my cheek against his chest and close my eyes, begging the memories to stop.

"When my mom died, my dad blamed me."

"What happened?"

"We were in a car accident and my dad said she turned around to help me and didn't see the semi. So the next ten years were hell. I became his bitch. And if I didn't do something right then I'd get punished."

"Punished how?" Harden asks fearing the worst. I feel his hand start rubbing my back. My scarred back.

"He would just hit me and throw stuff at me."

"I'm so sorry." He says with eyes full of guilt. I just nod, letting my chin dig into his chest.

"Ugh, I'm bored," I say trying to change the subject.

"Wanna play Call of Duty?" He asks looking up. I lift my head and nod to him. I quickly get off of him and turn on the Xbox.

After handing him a remote I feel his arms reach around my waist pulling me flush against him. I relax in his hold. We spend the rest of the afternoon and evening glued to the game only stopping when my stomach growls.

"What should we have?"

"How about chicken salad sandwiches?" I suggest. He nods and walks over to the fridge pulling out the necessary ingredients. I watch as he quickly makes it and walks back over to the couch.

We eat in a new comfortable silence. He watches me the whole time. After we eat, we both agree to go to bed. We walk into our bedroom and go to our separate beds.

"Goodnight Angel."

"Goodnight Harden."

I stare up at the sky as I'm blinded by the red and blue lights. I watch as they shield my eight-year-old eyes from my mom's tattered body. I sit frozen as I feel the tears creeping down my cheeks. I'm pulled from my trance when I hear their words.

"Time of death 7:18 p.m."

"No, she's not dead. Fix her. Fix her." I scream desperately as I feel a few officers hold me back.


I feel my body shake.

"Sawyer wake up." I hear. I sit up quickly and just about smack foreheads with Harden. I quickly wipe the tears from my cheeks not wanting to look weak.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I just nod, still freaked out about my nightmare. Harden picks me up and walks over to his bed. Before I can react, he sets me downs and pulls my back against his chest. I let his steady breathing lull me to sleep.

I toss and turn trying to get comfortable, but my tries are futile. I then snuggle up to the warm pillow. Warm hard pillow. I open my eyes and am met with Harden staring down at me. I jump back and go tumbling off the bed. Harden just starts laughing.

"It's your fault you ass," I exclaim, frustrated.

"We've known each other for like a month." I exclaim freaking out.

"Calm down. It doesn't matter if we don't have a normal relationship. If you haven't noticed, we don't really live normal lives." He explains soothingly. I nod and lay back down beside him.

"Not that'd I'd know anything about a normal relationship," I say after scoffing sarcastically.

"You've never been in a relationship?" He asks seriously.

"No," I reply quickly becoming embarrassed. He looks at me with a smirk as we lay in silence.

"Alexa, what time is it?" I shout across the room.

My Captor and Savior ✔︎ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें