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I sit up when I hear a beep.

"What was that?" I ask Harden as he sits up quickly. He gets up and runs over to his laptop.

"We've got movement."

"What time is it?" I ask mid-yawn.


"No way that's my dad. He's never up before 9:00." I say sarcastically.

"Well, you're correct, it's not your dad. It looks like a homeless guy."

"Let's go."


"You're going to give the guy some money." Harden smiles at me.

"Why me?"

"What if he's a serial killer? Plus, you're loaded."

"Wow, you'd want me to be killed instead of you?"

"No, you'd be able to fight him off better," I say quickly coming up with an answer. I watch him walk over and take a few hundred bills out of his wallet.

"You're lucky I love you." He says walking out the front door. He loves me? He couldn't have meant it like that. Could he? I watch on the laptop as he hands the man the money.

He starts walking back, and I try to shake the thoughts, but they're stubborn.

"I'm going back to sleep."

"Okay, I'm going to watch the laptop." He tells me.

I walk over to the bed and lay down. I spend an hour just lying there, wondering if he could've meant it. Finally, I give up on trying to go to sleep.

I sit up and grab my phone from the ground where it's charging. I open Netflix and start watching Supernatural. After the first episode, I get really into it. I spend the whole morning binging it. After five episodes, I sit up hungry.

I silently walk over to the fridge and grab a smoothie. I drink it quickly enjoying the temperature on my throat. Once again, I silently walk back to the bed.

"All right that's it, what's wrong?" Harden asks breaking the very tense silence.

"Nothing," I say, not wanting to read into things. He nods but walks towards me.

"I don't feel like it's nothing."

"Well, I'm sure you don't. What are we doing today?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"We'll return to this conversation later. On to today, I was thinking we could go on a long walk or run."

"Definitely not a run," I inform him. He laughs at that. We both put on clothes, having been in just our underwear. We walk out of the factory and am met with a car speeding past us. Harden wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back, just in time for me now to get hit.

"Do you think he was aiming for me?" I ask, but before he can reply three police cars go flying by.

"I don't think so." He says with a laugh. We go on a long walk around the city. We're living in an abandoned part, but it's insane that only two blocks away it can be so busy and alive. I think back to Kyle, he was just like the city.

He was lively and chaotic. But a good chaotic. A chaotic that even locked in a cell for a year he could give me hope. Hope and motivation. I would have wished death if it weren't for him. And I'll never get to thank him for that.

"What's got you thinking so hard angel?" Harden asks as we continue walking back to the factory.


My Captor and Savior ✔︎ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora