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Waiting is just pure anxiety.

It took only a day for the jurors to come up with a verdict.

All three of them are guilty. But we already knew that. Now is the actual sentencing. They took 3 weeks to decide.

Normally they would all get the same sentence because they were tried together. But this is no regular court case. They each have different sentences.

They start with Ryder.

Life plus 30. No parole.

That kinda makes sense. There was overflowing evidence that he did in fact kill Laura Allard.


24 years. With the chance of parole.

Now Henry.

15 years. With the chance of parole.

"What?" I say out loud unintentionally. I apologize.

There is no way that that happened.


Walking out of that courtroom felt surreal.

We won.

Why does it feel like it's not true?

15 years? With parole?

There are cameras everywhere. The flashes. The yelling. The questions.

I ignore it all.

Then someone snatches my keys out of my hand. I was about to attack them till I see that it's just Oscar.

"You're not driving. I see your expression... Niel. Take her home will you?"

"No I will drive. Give me back my keys Oscar."

"Saffron. Let Niel take you home-"

"You really shouldn't be talking right now." I glare at Cedric.

Niel cups his hands over my ears. "I know you are upset. I also don't think you should be driving. I'll drop you off and leave you alone okay?"

I nod and we get going.


"Why are turning into my parking garage?"

"Because I lied. I feel like I shouldn't leave you alone and your mom isn't available."

"How do you know that?"

"I have her number... because friends should look out for each other. And I know you've been spending a lot of time with her so just making sure everything is good. Now speak your mind."

"Henry should've gotten a longer sentence. What do they mean 15 with parole? He'd get out early if Ryder is away from him."

"So you want him locked up longer without having him locked up longer?"

"Niel I'm being serious. Ethically Ryder and Henry should have close sentences. Your dad yeah whatever I even expected less. Why would Henry have the shortest sentence?"

"Because they feel bad for him. Yeah he did some awful things but they view him as a man who lost everything because of his brother and craved to get it back so he followed his brother. Your dad's been hurt too. I'm not saying that justifies his sentence but I can't hate him when he saved my life."

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