Crossing off the list

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Crossing Off The List

"Saffron, it's 5 in the morning."

"And you still saw my message and got up to meet me here."

"I didn't think you'd call me to your building if it wasn't important."

I take a breath before looking Niel in the eyes. "Do you know where Avryll is?"

"You aren't going to meet her. Even if I knew, which I don't I'm not letting you put yourself in danger if she is after you."

"I'm not afraid-"

"You don't need to be. Focus on the situation at hand. You are getting too involved. You have a business to run. And court to prepare for."

"I actually wanted to make a deal with you."


"I want you to be my partner when Oscar gets married."

He laughs confused. "What are you talking about?"

"There's a good chance he'll go home for Carmella. Yeah, he's my best friend, but I'd urge him to go. You know my world Niel."

"What about our other plan?"

"That's only if the case ends a certain way."

"What will happen to Baylor co?"

"I know it sounds bad-"

"I swear if you even thought about it-"

"He's the only one who can handle this."

"Cedric is not fit for this!"

Thankfully he can't hear this.

"But he is. He knows the stats. He knows the cars. He knows how to manage Ula. He is smart. Pushing aside everything with our relationship he's the one I trust this all to."

We stare at each other in silence for a bit before he gives me a firm nod.

"Wait. I'll halfway accept. I'll fully accept in 5 weeks. You will meet me as you said."

"That's fine with me." There is no way he will leave in five weeks.

"You'll get to her another way..."

"Yes, I will. Well, I already have. I'm not going to lie. She's been waiting for my call."

"I want to be here when she comes."

"That's what I thought."

And slowly the woman walks in.

"Nathaniel." She greets him.

He just glares.

"Avryll. Take a seat." I push a button on my phone and place it on my desk face down.

Niel stands and backs away from her.

"He and his brother think you are out for me."

"Please, if I wanted to do something drastic to you, it would've already been done."

"So sleeping with Cedric wasn't enough?"

"Cedric was just some fun. I don't want anything to do with you. Just stay away from my cousin."

"I'm helping him."

"He is insane."

"No, he's not. He's an idiot, that's for sure."

"You are the idiot. You could've been a queen."

"I do not want to be a queen. Alessandro won't even take the king title. He doesn't want the crown. He's smart enough to keep you out of it."

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