He's Going Down

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He's Going Down

When I wake up, Carmella is gone.

I pick up my phone. I guess she put her number on my phone.

Saffron, I know what you said. But I just had to go. I'll talk to you soon. Ps, the Captain wants to meet you.

I get ready for the day.

For once, I'm first for breakfast but I just want some cereal. I grab a bowl of cornflakes.

I sit at the table and watch the household turn the place upside down.

Oscar sits down in front of me.

He has pizelles.

He doesn't say a word.

"Mornin'," I say.

He hums in reply.

"What happened to cheery fun all day Oscar?"

He drops his fork. "What happened to being open with me?" He sneers and walks away. "I'm no longer hungry."

Oscar's balcony opens up to the courtyard.

I walk to his room. He's locked himself inside.

"Oscar, can we talk."

He swings the door open. "You are telling me that she's engaged to the Queen's great-grandchild? Who you also didn't tell me threatened you! And you think he's a murder-" I cover his mouth.

"I know you are upset, but please lower your voice." I walk him back into the room and lock the door.


"When Carmella and I went to hang out. We were at her place. All of a sudden he walks in-"

"What does he call her?"

I roll my eyes. "Amore. Anyways! When she stepped out of the room, he showed his true colours. She doesn't know who he really is. She thinks he's a salesman. They met because of Wood's death. And boom. You sir gave her the ring."

"I wanted her to know I was serious. There's no other woman I'd want to have it."

"Like have it have it?"

He nods. "Even if she doesn't choose me. She'll always have a friend in me."

"Will you be okay if she doesn't choose you?" I ask.

"I know she'll end up with me. You can tell her all you want that you aren't choosing sides. Niel was talking about what you were going to do with Alessandro wasn't he?"

I nod.

"Then let's put the sucker behind bars. After you tell me why you think he is mistreating her."

"He raised his voice and she flinches. She's weirdly submissive to him. She left in the middle of the night, Oscar. I bet she went to him."

"I'm going over there."

He stands and starts walking.

"No. Oscar stop."

I now realize that Oscar has been faking that I'm physically stronger than him because he is pushing me around like a pillow.

He won't listen to me. I keep talking even though it's pointless.

We eventually make it to her house, where she kisses Alessandro goodbye.

"Carmen?" Oscar says.

She turns around startled. She looks at me, I give her apologetic eyes.

"Saffron, I was on my way to pick you up. What happened?" That's a lie. I go along with it.

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