What is in me!

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My name is Faith & I killed my mom on accident while I was in her womb.

I made it out by C-section

I was fatherless & now an orphan.

The doctors soon learned I have powers, but didn't know what.

Since I was born I've in lab after lab after lab right up until I was 12 when this  dude showed up to help me find out what I was.

He also has powers to access minds & asked for consent to go in my head which I said yes to [ let me point out 1 important thing, no 1 in my life has ever done this before which brought me almost to tears, but I put a smile on my face to know at least 1 of person gave me that respect]

Right after he was in my head he said "you my dear child are the most powerful being I've ever encounter in my centuries of living" which made my mouth drop.

He even showed me what powers I had & I finally was able to understand my self & who I am.

By 18 I was fully in control of my powers & was allowed out of the testing labs & into the world.

Soon enough I was put in this group called the triple A's which means [Ass-hols,Attentive,Abnormal] which was my kind of group.

I was their plan B when all else fails which was 60% of the time.

We didn't always get blood to be our family, we make meet them along the way. 

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