The High 5

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I'm Echo, 1 of 13 of my kind called A.G.H [ Alien.Geno.Human] also called halflings to help end the war between both Humans & Aliens.

We all have powers & were born the same day, so Human never let us out of their sight.

They put us in a 'CUBE' if we ever misbehave.

Some of us who make it through get 'privileges.

Since we're lab rats we get thrown out when done with.

We went on many missions & over time our number 13 became 5.

It was hard for us all.

Over time we called us the High 5.

at 20 we started seeing other worlds including the Alien home world 'KUCANTO'.

the 5 of us learned how the war started & it was the humans.

Us 5 decided to stay & be known [MIA] on earth & live the remaining lives their. 

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