Chapter 148

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"Dream... HAHAHA"

Angelica has been laughing nonstop for the past fifteen minutes. And I can't seem to understand what is it that she finds so funny. 

Me being cursed or me being able to experience her antics? Either way, the real fun begins when I regain my strength.

"HAHA... To get a load of this crap... HAHAHA"

Once the hysteria subsided, Angelica collapsed on the bed with the empty wine bottles rolling beside her. It was only after she started speaking again that I noticed the position she was in.

"Did you know something Edward..." 

Dangling from the edge of the bed, Angelica's voice sounded tired.

"Things aren't always what they appear to be. For instance..." 

She paused to take a deep breath and confessed,

"I left the love of my life back home. I don't know what he's up to without me"

'Love... Love of your life you say...' 

The four-letter word stuck to mind. 

It was not the first time I have heard a woman say that word, for I have received numerous love confessions throughout the years. But none were as impactful as my own wife's declaration of love to a man that was not me.

Until this very moment, I never considered that Angelica might have had someone else in her life before being married to me. 

Ours was a political marriage based on mutual benefits. Love was not an essential part of the deal. 

So it was a given that Angelica had to fulfill her part of the relationship in exchange for support to her family. There was no need for 'love' between the two of us.

Therefore, no matter who or what this person might be, he has to go through me if he wanted Angelica back.

Still in spite of all that rationing thinking, hearing her say that word makes me uneasy. Why do I feel so?

"What a beautiful birdie..." Angelica chuckled like a child as she flailed her hands in the air. 

There can't be any birds inside the room since all the windows have been sealed shut with magic. Not to mention, the bedroom was reinforced with threshold magic that only allows entry to a selected number of people making it the most secure chamber in the entire estate.

The bird Angelica was playing with might just be a figment of her imagination under the influence of alcohol. If it isn't, the bird meant a major security breach.

Anyhow that wasn't the case since Angelica never brought up the bird again. Because the next one she saw was a frog.

"ribbit that's a frog. I want a rabbit. How does a rabbit sound again?"

Aside from my voice, she seemed to have a talent for imitating different spices. Turns out it was only mine she was intentionally messing up.

When she was done goofing around, Angelica hoised herself up and combed the bed in search of something. 

"Where is my mike? What kind of a Karaoke place doesn't have a mike?" 

'Mike... Karaoke...'  Although I didn't recognize the items she was looking for, I was sure she wouldn't be able to find them on the bed.

Right then, Angelica's leg grazed my arm.

"Who is this? Did you pass out from a little drinking? What are you a baby?" She mindlessly assumed and began kicking me in the gut.

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