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I laughed while burying my face on the bed beside Edward and banging on the mattress with my hand.

I tried to control my laughter but I couldn't since I kept bursting out every time I looked at his face.

After rolling out of the chair, I was sitting on the floor while holding onto my stomach. It started to hurt from all the laughing.

"Pfft....HAHA" I wiped the tears coming from my eyes. At this rate, my makeup will come undone.

"My skills may not be as good as your maids but...pfft...HAHA"

"I think this is my masterpiece"

I haven't had such a good laugh in years.

I had initially planned on doodling his face beyond recognition. But then I had an enlightenment and decided to leave a message instead.

Drawn perfectly on Edward's chiseled face was the iconic makeup of the legendary character 'Joker' from the 'Dark knight' series.

Joker was my favorite comic book character back when I was Kim Eunseo. He still is, and I was so crazy fangirling back then that I had joker posters and merchandise all over my room.

My mother was so spooked whenever she came to my room to wake me up that she started burning spirit incenses everywhere inside the house.

I used multiple layers of powder to paint his face white and liquid from the eyeliner to color out his eye sockets into black.

I drew the beautiful smile that I've always admired using red lipstick and used red eyeshadow to highlight the effects.

The tricky part was the hair since I had to color it in green. I smashed the green eye makeup and mixed it with water to use as hair dye.

I used his shirt to wipe my hands clean and with that, we were done.

Surprisingly it turned out better than I expected.

"You may not be up to 'the Clown Prince of Crime' that I love. But I think you would cut out as a cosplayer"

Though I didn't want to admit it, the joker makeup suited him so well that I couldn't take my eyes off his face for a while.

"I swear I made justice to the original......HAHA"

It was simply hilarious.

"I know I shouldn't be doing this now but...pfttt"

"Damnnn! I regret not taking pictures" I exclaimed.

"If only I had my smartphone on me" 

I wiped the tears in my eyes without ruining my makeup.

"It's fine...." I said waving my hands

"We can just do this and I'll save it in my memory" I kneeled down beside him so that we could take a selfie

"Say 'why so serious?'.....pfft HAHA...I'm sorry it's just too much"

"And click" I imitated a camera click with my hands.

"Ok enough jokes..." I slapped myself on the cheeks and got on my feet.

I laughed too much today and now I'm concerned about what the universe has in store for me. Probably something not good.

I was obviously running late but I couldn't say how much, thanks to this slaughterhouse having zero pieces of equipment that could measure time.

"Anyway....don't forget your ex-wife who read books and sang lullabies to your sorry face"

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