Chapter 113

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Ann groaned in pain holding her throbbing head.

She was having the worst hangover she had ever experienced. It was even worse compared to the hangover she had after the night at the tavern back in Velven.

It was the morning after the flower festival.

As per schedule, the entourage vacated their lodgings and started on their journey just as the first ray hit. After a night of fun and entertainment, everybody was feeling refreshed. That was, except for one person.

The twins woke Ann up thirty minutes before departure or rather doused a bucket of water on top of her before high tailing out of the room. 

The cold water was enough to clear her mind wide enough to get ready within seconds. 

By the time she walked out the door, Raeden was waiting for her outside. One of the major reasons being he didn't want to watch two of his men being killed in the middle of a job.

Ann decided to grab breakfast on the road but was unable to eat anything after her head started throbbing like crazy.  

They were traveling through the dark forests outside Lorem and, it would take two days travel to reach the next town,Carrelem. 

It was midday and she had lost the appetite to eat.

"How bad is it?" Eugene asked, sitting on the back of the carriage.

He was seated in a comfortable position leaning his back on the covered relic with folded arms. The position allowed him to get a full view of the carriages in the back along with Ann writhing in pain.

"It hurts like a heavy metal band is doing their comeback concert inside my freakin' head"

"Heavy what?" Eugene raised his eyebrows. He couldn't understand a word of what she meant.

"It hurts like sh*t" Ann clarified.

"Oh really now? Should've thought that before emptying barrels of wine"

Eugene smirked. He had lost count of the number of times this has happened since Ann had joined the Nero mercenaries.

And as usual, when she has a hangover after a night of reckless partying she would shamelessly declare,

"I'm never gonna drink again"

"I've heard that before" 

He scoffed, unable to hide his annoyance. It was a never-ending loop.


Ann slumped on her horse. Her head was exploding and Eugene's sarcasm did not make her feel any better.


Kalan expected a tiny green vial towards Ann.

"What is that?" Ann asked in a groaning voice.

"Hangover medicine"

"Hangover medicine?"

She sat up and took in her hand. 

Inside the glass vial, she could see small silver particles mixed in the green liquid.

'Why are all hangover medicines green?'

Ann opened the vial and smelled its contents.

There was a strong scent of arovell herb which was commonly used in medicines to alleviate pain. But more importantly, she had to check its contents for possibilities of toxicity or drugs.

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