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Rosaline put her daughter in her crib not knowing that she had passed out from shock.

Angelica groaned and shifted in her sleep to get into a comfortable position. Though her emerald green eyes remained closed, the frown on her face deepened with every second. She was a bomb about to set off at any moment.


"It's alright" Rosaline's hand softly stroked Angelica's head. The platinum hair smooth as feathers waved.

Soon the crease on Angelica's face disappeared and a smile appeared. All it took to calm her down was her mother's touch.

Rosaline sat in an armchair beside the crib and started reading the book she had picked out earlier.

Just then there was a light knock on the door. A little boy with bushy silver hair and green eyes peeked through the small gap of the doors and looked at Rosaline.

Clive took turns looking at his mother's face and the crib beside her. There was dirt on his rosy cheeks and nose.

"Are you here to see your sister Clive?" asked Rosaline to the boy who was hesitantly looking at the crib.

Clive nodded his head and hid his hands behind his back. There were a bunch of red flowers visible behind him.

"What's that behind you?"

"Flowwers for An-An" said Clive, showing the flowers to his mother.

"Is An-An a nickname for your sister?" Rosaline chuckled looking at her adorable son.

Clive blushed, feeling shy. He had been thinking very intensely to pick a suitable nickname for his sister. He was happy that his mother liked the name he picked for Angelica.

Rosaline put the book down on the table in front of her and wiped Clive's face with a handkerchief.

"She fell asleep a little while ago"

There was visible disappointment on Clive's face as he looked at his mother. He wanted his baby sister Angelica to see the flowers he brought after so much effort.

Clive was imagining Angelica smiling when he picked up the flowers from the garden without the gardener's help. The thought of him being the first one to offer her flowers made his heart brim with pride.

But he had forgotten to consider her sleeping schedule. Since little babies tend to sleep a lot, it will take hours before he could get another chance.

"Owwk" Clive drooped his head and took a step back.

Rosaline felt sorry for her son. At the same time, she was happy that Clive was making efforts to get along with his sister.

If this continues, they won't have any sibling rivalry in the future like those in other noble households.

A healthy rivalry that brings out the productivity in people is a good thing. But it should not escalate to the point where siblings tend to kill each other for the sake of being the heir.

"Why don't you keep it in a vase so that we can show it to An-An when she wakes up?"

Clive's face brightened as soon as he heard Rosaline's suggestion. He ran out of the room to get an empty vase.

He placed the flowers he had picked up from the garden on the floor and ran out the door at top speed.

"Careful Clive"

Rosaline picked up the flowers her son had left on the floor and looked through them. They were red camellia flowers, a specialty of the Ashford territory.

Minutes later, Clive came back with a vase half his size and landed it with a thud.

The noise startled the baby as she squirmed, ready to cry again. Rosaline patted Angelica gently which in turn calmed her down.

On the other side, there was another baby who was about to cry.

Clive had tears the size of bullets threatening to fall down at any second.

"I'm sowwie mommy"

"It's alright. It was an accident" said Rosalie, as she patted him on the head.

"Now let's arrange them"

The mother-son duo arranged the flowers and placed them on the table near the crib so that it would be easier for Angelica to see them when she wakes up later.

"Clive, did you know that camellia flower brings protection to the ones who have it?"

The little boy shook his head from left to right. It was his first time hearing about the meaning behind camellia flowers.

Earlier he had overheard the knights talking about giving flowers to the people they love. So he decided to give some to Angelica to show his love for her.

"It means you will protect Angelica and she will protect you. Always remember this. Ok?"


"Now do you want to hear a story?"

Rosaline picked Clive up and sat him on her lap. She began telling the story of the empire's founding which he loved.

It was 9p.m. when Lorenz Ashford completed his work.

He didn't want to waste another second and sprinted his way towards his daughter's room.

He felt the fatigue from handling papers all day melt away when he saw his family.

Angelica was sleeping peacefully in her crib with her arms spread.

Rosaline had a sleeping Clive on her chest and she too was in the dreamland.

Lorenz took the book from Rosalind's hand and placed it on the table. He draped a shawl over the two so that they won't feel cold. He felt his heart bubble when he saw the flowers. There were small muddy fingerprints all over the vase.

He bent down and kissed his wife on the forehead full of love.

A beautiful wife, adorable children, and a peaceful life. He thanked the goddess with all his heart for the blessings she had given to him.

It was another perfect day at the Ashford household.

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