Chapter 22 ||Winter Wonderland||

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It was the start of a new day 2021 almost over, now 2022 coming along.
The signs were excited for an upcoming dance.
Starlight academy hosts a dance for lots of holiday's and school events.
But during December is when the school takes it up a notch.
During December is when the school has a Theme with a Prom or a school dance.
They would also have an area in the back of the school where there's an ice skating rink, Snow castles, ice castles, places where you can have snowball fights, an area where you take fun quizzes to test your knowledge on how much you know about each Holiday, and there's a mini shopping area where you can buy Things, like clothes, stuffed animals, lights, Jewelry, etc.

The signs were really excited, well one didn't seem to be in the Holiday mood, which was Leo.

The School put up Christmas lights, Hanukkah decorations, Kwanzaa Decorations, etc. There are lots of holidays all over the world but somehow the school manages to put up decorations for all of them.

The fire sign dorm was full of Kwanzaa decorations because Two out of the three fire signs celebrated Kwanzaa, Aries and Leo. Sagittarius' Family celebrates Hanukkah but she didn't mind. Her room was decorated in Hanukkah decorations anyway, and she liked it.

The Air sign dorm... Christmas decorations.

The water sign dorm a mix of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Las posadas Decorations. Cancer is Christmas, Scorpio is Hanukkah, and Pisces is Las posadas.

The Earth sign dorm...they didn't decorate because they can't make up their minds on what to decorate the dorm like. Taurus wanted Lights, Virgo wanted a Tree, and Capricorn didn't want any drama with them so he didn't say anything.

Taurus was only able to put the Menorah on the table but the was it. The Menorah is a multi-branched candelabra, used in the religious rituals of Judaism, that has been an important symbol in both ancient and modern Israel.

"We Didn't even decorate!" Virgo complained.

"Maybe if you two could agree we would decorate!" Capricorn Yelled back.

"Oh...boy.." Taurus said quietly.

Now Capricorn and Virgo started bickering.

But, off from the signs, stood Leo.
Leo was walking in the cold air, minding his own business, looking at all the pretty lights and the Blinding white snow.

Suddenly he bumped into someone, and that someone was Phecda.

"Hey! Watch it!" She yelled. She wasn't with her group.

"Oh— sorry.." Leo said quietly.

"Oh.. it's you.." she said.

Leo stood silent.

"Happy Holidays.." Leo said walking off.

"Merry Christmas.."

"I don't even celebrate Christmas.. but Again Happy holidays." Leo said.

"Ugh! Rude much!"

Leo ignored her and her bratty self.

Leo walked until he saw the rest of the Big Dipper group.

Leo tried to avoid them but they saw him first.

"Hey, Leo!" Dubhe said happily.

"Hey, who are you?" Megrez said joyful.

The rest of the group was talking at a distance away from the three.

"Hey guys.." Leo said quietly.

"What's wrong? You seem down.." Dubhe said wrapping a scarf around his neck.

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