Chapter 4 ||Preparing||

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•Sagittarius' POV•

I wake up forgetting where I was then remembered I was at Gemini's place, she was still sleeping so I got out of bed realizing I didn't know how to turn on the shower or even reach the bathroom I didn't know where it was. I didn't want to... but I woke Gemini up.


She groaned and turned to the other side.



"Uh I need help.."

Gemini got up and I asked her where the bathroom was. Apparently it was right outside her room.

"So uh how do you turn on the shower?"

"Like this." Gemini showed me and then she left.

•Small Time Skip•

After I showered I got out and dried myself. Once I was done with that I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Then I got out and Gemini Entered she had her clothes with her.

•Another Small Time Skip•

Once Gemini finished up in the bathroom she did my hair. She did a nice loose ponytail and I gave her a low Braid.
We went downstairs and I guess a chef made Breakfast already.
There were pancakes, waffles, eggs,Bacon,sausages,orange juice, water, and milk.
He said for us to only have a bit because there were going to be guests coming soon.
We had a bit and then we left.

"So Gem what do you think the perfect card and flowers would be for Mr. Lion?"

"Uh.. he really likes white roses"

"Wait really?"

"Yea!" Gemini said smiling.

"And a card?"

"He really loves deers or Cats house cats."

"So card has to be Animal related and Flowers need to be white roses got it!" I smiled

"So are there any Flower shops near here that you know of Gem?"

"There is one near here.. Daisies Flower shop"

"Oh another well known place let's go!" I yell as I grab Geminis hand and drag her with me all the way to Daisies flower shop.

"Oh wow this is actually kinda big." I say in shock

"I know usually these Flower shops are smaller." Gemini says looking at it and how packed it was.

Gemini steps back and starts to visibly shake.

"Whoa Gem are you ok?!" I ask

"I don't like crowded places.."

"But you like people.."

"Yea a small group of about 12 or 9 people is the max I can handle.." Gemini says

"Oh.. well I'll hold your hand!"

Gemini goes straight to my hand and hold it tightly.

We head in and I ask where the roses were the lady guided us and I see one last bouquet of white roses I go to grab it and someone else gets to it before I do.
It was a girl with
Strawberry Hair and a Baby blue dress and white socks with heels.
"This is gonna be perfect!" She said

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