Chapter 13 ||Deal||

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One hour after Nurse Dana Leaving Did Leo notice his missing Necklace.

"I feel better.. not really but enough to walk around.."

Leo went to his desk to grab his necklace and that's when he realized it was gone.


Leo was freaking out he looked all over his room but no necklace was found.

"Leo what's with all the noise?!" Sagittarius said coming into his room.


Leo's room was a mess and Leo was freaking out still.

"Leo, what's wrong?"

"My necklace.. it's gone!"


"Yes! The- the one I always wear with that orange Jewel!"

"Oh! That one! I don't know where it went.."

"Leo I don't think it's in here. You've checked every inch of your room.."

"Where could— that Witch!"

"What- who- Why?"

"That.. Thief of a nurse!"

"Oh.. Nurse Dana?"

"Yes! She was the last one in here!"

"But she's so sweet why would she steal?"

"Why are you asking me?!"

"Sorry man.."


"Sir i have the necklace."

"Great Job, now figure out what Jewel it is!"

"Sir.. it doesn't look like a.. well, a type of Jewel that anyone would know of besides the zodiacs.."

"What kid of Jewel is it..?"

"It looks like some sort of power Jewel.."

"What does that even mean?"

"This Jewel.. holds so much power.."

"That's great!"

"No sir, it's not.. no one can hold this much power besides it's original holder! I feel so much.. Power from this one Stone.."


"This.. it's no ordinary Stone.. it belongs.. to the original holder of the Stone, meaning.."

"It belongs to HER."

"Yes sir.. it belongs to her.."

"Give it to me."

"Sir- y-you don't understand.. Ow!"


"The- The Stone it burned my fingers!"

"That's one powerful jewel."

"Yeah, Leo needs this back!"

"I agree Doll.."

"Who said tha-t"

"You wanted to see me.. Right..?"

"Sir.. we have a problem.."


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