Chapter 21 ||Time's Ticking||

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•Gemini's POV•

I hugged Leo as I remembered what Sag had told us.

That "Lexi" Woman is a psycho, she almost killed Leo.

Poor Leo didn't deserve this, no one does!

"Leo...if you Ever need to talk you know that we'll always be here for you... Got it?"

"Yeah... I know.."

Leo clearly wanted to be alone, so I left him alone.

I went to the Air sign dorm and Both Libra and Aquarius were...on the couch upset.

"What's wrong..?"

"What do you mean?! A crazy Woman is apart of our lives now, wether we want her to be or not! She's Leo's... well Mother, Ancestor.. whatever she is! She'll be in OUR Lives for who knows how long!" Aquarius yelled.

"I-I understand...but we aren't going nearly as much as Leo, he has a scar from her physically and mentally. She gave him up, and now almost killed him. What have we gone through compared to that?"

The two stood silent.


"Listen, our lives will never go back to being normal. We have school, a crazy school, a crazy woman on our side... possibly on our side, and we could have powers. That isn't Normal. This is our life now, we'll have to get used to it."

"Libra's right..but, there's one thing that...I figured out.." Aquarius chimes in.

"What is it?"

"Our Principal... isn't...Sane."

"I'm sorry, What?!"

"He isn't Sane! Think about it! He threatens staff, hates us, Hates Leo especially, He's a secretive man, he probably wants us...dead."

"I wouldn't go as far as saying...he's insane.."

"Didn't he tell you to Jump off a room the other day?"


"Exactly.. don't you think that's a sign that he Doesn't like us?"

"I mean it could be.."

•Aquarius' POV•

The two didn't seem to understand where I was coming from.

Our Principal isn't a sane person.

"Listen guys, if we can at least get through most of the year... I think that we'll be fine.." Libra said.

"Fine?! You think that our lives our Fine?! Even if we get through this year we still have three more year in his place!"


"Listen, it's December.. birthdays have passed, months have gone by, it's almost the holiday's its almost the new year, we can make it..." Libra said.

"If we don't make it and i die, im haunting you libra." Gemini said heading to her room.

"Oh boy.." libra said.

And oh boy indeed, our lives are miserble.

The Staff always says "Times ticking" and it is, it's also flying by!

It's almost the holiday's it's almost New Year's Eve, and the new year, We'll be fine... We'll make it... I hope.

I head to the kitchen to make myself some Tea, to try and ease my mind a little.

I make myself some Green Tea, and I sit down at the table just... calming myself down.

Libra stood on the couch reading.

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