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//chapter twenty two//

"well, sis I was thinking you could fight the head warrior since he thinks he's too high and mighty to join training why don't you put him in his place," Robin said with a smirk which I returned

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"well, sis I was thinking you could fight the head warrior since he thinks he's too high and mighty to join training why don't you put him in his place," Robin said with a smirk which I returned.

"you're joking right! her? Well this going to be the easiest fight of my life. But I'd have to say its not my cup of tea to hit weak little girls "

"so you're telling me in a battel just because a wolf is a girl you wouldn't fight for your pack," Robin said loud and clear for everyone to hear "not the right choice of wording for the LEAD warrior" he continued. "that's not what I meant I was just saying-"

"well why don't you stop what you are saying and fight one of the strongest guardians," he said gesturing to me "well the strongest guardian next to me of course"

"fine! but I won't go easy on her" Willam responded taking off his shirt "ill fight just as if we were in a battle"

"thank you that was all I asked of you warrior Willam," Robin said nodding his head "everyone makes a circle around the clearing where the fight will be held"robin put everyone in a huge oval around the area we are fighting. Me and willam place ourselves in the center while robin announced the rules

"ok, so the rules are simply starting with no shifting, no killing, and lastly no cheating the last one mainly goes to Aliayah no using the goddesses given powers" he announced "that's all the fight begins when the first attack is made." he walked off the field only leaving me and William.

we both move in a circle watching each other carefully for the first move

"you know" he started "you can just back down"

another flash hit me

"You know" the man aka William started to yell "You can come back and the consequences won't be as harsh, you don't know a thing about being a lone wolf you'll die."

"I'll take my chances" I yelled back

The flash then bring me back

"I'll take my chances," I said before throwing a left hook hitting him square in the nose. he tried to throw a  punch back  but I quickly dodged it and swung another punch towards his face he quickly grabs my arm and tries to flip me but I used my foot to kick in him the back and twist my arm back. he tumbled a little before recovering. he runs towards me throwing his elbow my way and I move away and jabbed him from the side making him cough up blood.

oops I guess I hit him a little too hard

while he was somewhat down I kick him in the leg making him fully fall to the ground hitting his head. I kicked him again but this time in the stomach. he grabs my ankle then pulled me down I go for another kick which landed on his face and then another goes for the stomach. before he can make any other movement I quickly recovered my body and landed a full blow to his face knocking him completely out.

you could hear everyone gasp as well as a sudden change in atmosphere.

"and aliyah wins!" Robin announced but no one said a word "can someone get him to the pack's healer and show us to our room"still no answer. "Fine by the time we unpack the car we are demanding to be escorted to a room we've had a long day" he huffed walking to the car.




A lower-ranked wolf showed us to our rooms located in the packhouse about an hour ago and I was just now finally settled. the king and me had been texting back and forward for the past thirty minutes we even snuck a phone call in before he got busy again and I hate to say it but I hate how he makes me feel. the way he talked made me feel like I was finally getting a crush's attention.

I decided to give my phone a break and get up out of the chair I had been sitting in to go take a shower.

the hall we were on had no in-room bathroom but a shared one down the hall

I gather up the clothes I wanted to sleep in and a pair of slippers and headed down the hall. thirty minutes later I finished up and headed straight back to my room. before I opened the door I felt something as if someone was near but I couldn't but I finger on it and opened the door anyway. on the chair I had previously sat on was my brother. I fully walked into the room closing the door behind me and putting away my dirty clothes. as I did this he sat back down quietly i had a feeling that told me he wanted to say something he just didn't want to bother me. so what did I do?

I continued cleaning up after myself making sure nothing was left out.

"yes jack how can I help you," I asked tucking away my bag

"I just wanted to see how you were adjusting," he said playing with his fingers

A lie

was all I thought as I watched him "I'm adjusting fine, thanks"

"right," he said standing up "Aliyah I know I've been the worst sibling in all of mankind but I'm really and truly sorry"

"Well you haven't been the best" I started "but your not the worst"

"Yes I am or was, listen you may not believe me-"

"which I tend not to believe anything anyone has to say"

"-But when you left sis I took it hard. and seeing you here is making it honestly even harder, not saying that you being here is a bad thing, you just don't understand how hard it was hearing things about your sister being dead and alone out somewhere in the woods drilled in your head fucks you up"

I watched in silence as he teared up a bit.

he's always been a bit of a crybaby.

"And to see mom and dad just go on with their life like they don't have a daughter missing is the most fucked up shit I've ever seen. No one helped when i went out looking for you i found your hair tie in the woods but no other trace of you.Sorry to sound selfish but what if that was me? I mean would they even care" he said plopping back down into the chair "I'm such a little bitch" he said crying more into his hands

I let out a deep breath and walk over to him "that you are" I said making him cry harder "But Jackson you have to realize you are their golden child they would do anything in their power to make sure you would be found. but in my standpoint that wasn't the case, they hated me or hate me. if anything they wanted me dead"

"But you didn't deserve the treatment the pack was giving you. Think about it you were supposed to be our luna someone we had to respect because you were meant for that role but instead, we thought we were better than the moon goddesses blessing, and now look at us. if we keep going the path we have taken the goddess is for sure going to put us in a shit hole" he wiped his eyes of the previous tears

"you didn't deserve anything that happened and I want to be the best brother you've ever had during your staying ill make up all of those times I didn't stick up for you I promise"

"jack your my only brother" I laughed standing up

"but jack as you get older you'll realize that sometimes bad things have to happen in order to get to the good things in life . The minute I walked past the packs' border I knew I had made the right decision and still to this day I know I made the right choice"

there was a long pause

"I really missed you, I'm glad your home," he said engulfing me in a huge

"I missed you too Jackson"

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