Chapter 43 ~ Search

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"Thanks man, take care." I walk out of the studio and get into my car. Since I'm not allowed on the ice for a while, I have been working on a project for Fay. Even though it upsets me because I'm not home anymore except for sleeping.

But it will all be worth it, I know it will. I get in my car and check my notifications. Fay hasn't texted me but I do have a notification that says the front door was opened, then left opened, then shut, then opened and shut again.

It was weird because that was all in a span of 10 minutes. And I know Abby and Cole are not home right now and Fay is sick.

I start my car and head back to the complex. I get up to the front desk and ask for the lady who runs the security cameras.

"Excuse me, but is there a way I can get footage of my apartment camera?" I ask while handing the lady my ID and key card.

She nods and runs to the back and comes back with her laptop. I watched the film from when the door opened the first time.

It's blurry but I spot figures approaching the door. I zoom and see it's none other than the idiots themselves. Leo and Dylan.

Obviously my head is being slow right now because it takes me forever to figure out what's going on. I left the front door open this morning... that's how they got in. I see more footage of them leaving in a hurry and can hear Dax in the background barking.

Good boy, he shuts the door but obviously he can't lock it but that's enough at least. I'm still watching when I see Fay walking out of the apartment in her sweats and sweater.

The footage ends there after Fay disappears. "Excuse me, where is the rest of the footage?" I ask the lady and she takes her laptop back. "There is no more footage, there has been no motion in that area for over two hours. Therefore the camera must have turned off. I promise if someone were to walk by it would turn on again."

I thank the lady and dash for the apartment. I climbed the stairs. I finally get to the door but it's locked. I unlock it and call out for her.

"Fay!" I yell but no answer. I hear footsteps but only see Dax come out of the room. "Where's momma?" I say and his ears drop. He whimpers, it's probably from having to protect her for Leo and Dylan.

I go to our room but she's not there. And the bed is made. I go to the guest room that used to be my room and see that she is not here as well and the bed looks like someone was in it.

I grab out my phone to call Fay. She doesn't answer, instead I get her voicemail.

"Bonjour! Fay here, sorry I'm not answering, probably busy but leave a message!" I sigh and text Abby and Cole to see if they heard from her.

Both said no but said I should see if her car is here. I go out to the parking lot to see that her car is in fact not here.

"Where could she be?" I whisper to myself.

"Need any help?" A voice says from behind me. "Uh no I'm sorry I'm just looking for my girlfriend. Have you seen her?" I ask knowing she will most likely say no because not everybody knows Fay.

"I don't know what she looks like, but there was a lady who looked ill, she got in her blue car and drove off. I heard her muttering words about raman. If that helps."

Of course, when Fay is sick she can't eat anything but raman. And her car is small and blue so it has to be her.

"Would you say she went to the grocery store?" I am trying to get advice. "That's where they sell raman no?" The woman teases and I give her a smile and a thank you. I get back in my car and drive towards the store.


I arrive at the store and I search for Fay's car to save me time. But this is where she shops all the time so my only guess is she would be here.

Perfect, I spotted her car in the corner of the parking lot. I park next to her car and hop out. I check inside her car trying not to look creepy. She's not in there so I guess I will have to check inside.

I walk across the parking lot in a hurry. Fay gets dizzy when she is sick so I'm glad she didn't get into an accident but I'm still going to have a talk with her.

I walk to the raman isle immediately. She's not there. Crap, I'm starting to freak out. I don't know where else to check?

As I'm leaving the store a woman rushes in. She is wearing a badge so I can tell she works here. She is out of breath and is holding her chest.

"Are you okay ma'am?" I ask her and the woman nods. "I'm sorry I was just coming back from the hospital. A woman came in looking sick saying weird things. I took her to the hospital because she passed out."

My heart drops. It could only be Fay. She's at the hospital?

"Yes, she is? Do you know her?" Not knowing I said that out loud.

"Maybe, what's her name?" I ask and the woman digs in her purse. She holds out a light blue wallet that looks like Fays. She opens it and shows me the ID. It's her, I nod and the woman gives me the wallet.

"I'm not sure what happened, but you should probably check with her. I took her to the town's hospital. I was going to go back if no one was there for her after my shift.

I thanked the woman and ran out. I dash to my car thinking about how I will pick up the car later. I called Cole and put him on speaker.

"Hey man, what's up?" He asks and I could tell her is driving too. "Look man, Fay is in the hospital I'm not sure what for but a woman took her there so I'm heading there now. She would probably like to see you and Abby as well. Just letting you know." I say speeding out of the lot and heading towards the hospital.

Cole tells Abby the story and she tells him to get his butt moving and drive faster. I guess they were on their way home already to surprise Fay.

I guess their plan is not going as planned.

I rush into the hospital and run up to the front desk. "Hello, I'm looking for Fayette Monet?" I ask hoping they will allow me to go in.

"Are you her fiancé?" The front lady digs through her cabinet. I nod because I'm not sure what she was told.

"Here's her ring, it had to be taken off for scanning. Her room is 118. I believe she is getting her blood done but you can wait in that seating area.

I thank the lady and go on to the floor that has 118 and sit in the waiting area. Thinking of what could have happened for her to end up here.

If it has something to do with Leo and Dylan... they won't live to see tomorrow.

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