Chapter 30 ~ Kiss

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It's been a long day, that's all I have to say. Class was boring as normal and now I'm at hockey practice freezing my butt off. Since it's December, the rink is extra cold. And right now I can't even feel my toes. That's the hard part about playing in the winter.

It's been a couple days since I broke down in front of Fay about my future. Can you blame me though? I'm scared as heck because what if I don't get in? I know I'm a good player, but there's always someone in front of me who is much better.

I know with Fayette's reassurance it was a little helpful and I can't thank her enough for helping me.

Speaking of the fairy herself. She and Abby came to practice today and watched. They said they needed to get all the behind the scenes stuff. I don't mind it but whenever I feel Fay's eyes on me, I'm always striving to be better.

I glance up to meet her eyes and smile at her and she returns. I go back to playing for a while and also play with Cole.

On another note, ever since that night after the game by the river, I have wanted to do something for Fay. When she was teaching me how to say things in French I was beyond.

The one thing I like most about her is her accent and her French talking. It makes her ten times more attractive. She was so happy when I wanted to learn a few things. I can tell she loves her first language.

And ever since then I have been trying to say something in French to her. I think it would be the perfect thing for her and it would make her happy.

Not going to lie, I also downloaded an app and have been learning French since that day. I'm on an every day streak right now. I never forget to do my daily lessons. I also secretly signed up for French class next semester.

I want to feel close to her and I know this will make her very happy.

"Hey Eli." Fayette says to me as I give her a bright smile and hug her. "Cole and Abby went to dinner so it's just us tonight." She says and I nod. "What do you want for dinner?" She asks as we walk to her car.

"Your vodka pasta?" I ask with puppy eyes and she laughs. "Okay but I have to pick up the pasta." I nod and she starts the car.


After a trip to the store to get pasta, we ended up coming home with more things. She bought loads of pasta since we all eat it so much.

I sit on the counter and watch as she cooks. I can't help but smile at the thought of her cooking. Since I can't cook, I should learn from her. I will never get bored of watching her. I could watch her watch paint dry and never get bored.

I also love the fact she is cooking for me. It's different when she cooks for all of us, versus just the two of us. But I know she won't complain since she loves to cook.

"Can I have a sip of your tea?" She asks and I zone back in, looking down at the cup in my hand. I hand her the drink and she drinks it. Not expecting her to drink out of the same straw. She hands it back to me as I look at her. I take it and sip on it.

She breaks eye contact and continues to cook. I remember I have to do my French lesson, I run back to my room and take out my phone.

I take a couple minutes to do so, and then I start to practice what I want to say to her.

I hear a knock on the door and know it's Fay. "Dinners ready." She says and closes the door. I get up and walk to the table and see she already had a plate for me. "You didn't have to get my food." I say and she shrugs. "I wanted to." She walks to get her food.

We sit at the table in silence and then Fayette gets a call.

"Abby?" She answers and I look up. She gives me a confused look as she begins to talk with her.

"Yeah, mhm, alright then, okay, talk to you later, bye." She hangs up and puts her phone down. "Cole took her to a fancy hotel for their anniversary so they will be coming back tomorrow. "

I nod and finish up with my food as we eat in silence.


We sat down watching the office in the living room. We both are eating ice cream we picked up from the store.

"Jim is the cutest person ever." She blurts out and I look at her. "He kind of looks a little like you." She sips on the rest of her melted ice cream.

"Oh yeah?" I ask and she nods and giggles. "Yup." She says and I take this as my chance. I pause the tv and sit to turn to her. I place both of our bowls down. She copies my move and now we are facing each other.

"Hi." I say and she giggles. "Hey." She says back. I notice how much she loves to make eye contact with me.

After deciding what to do, I just go for it. "Fay?" I say and she nods. "Eli" she says back and that gets me nervous.

Whenever she calls me Eli, it just gets me and makes me melt. "I uh- learned a new phrase in French?" I say and her eyes light up. "Really?" She asks and I nod.

"Well let's hear it." She props her chin on her hand. I take a deep breath and start.

"Bonjour Madame Fay." I say and she chuckles. "Was that it?" She asks with a smile and I shake my head no. She tilts her head. And I take a deep breath.

"Puis-je t'embrasser?" I mumble not making eye contact. "What was that?" She asked not to hear me so I looked in her eyes.

"Puis-je t'embrasser?"(Can I kiss you?) I say louder and see how her confused look goes to a soft gentle look. "Is that a question you want me to answer?" She asks and I hesitantly nod.

She looks at me "Oui"(yes) She says and I look at her. "What?" I ask and she giggles. "Oui"

I wait for her to look me back in the eyes. I grab her face with both hands, cupping her soft cheeks as I lean in. She closes her eyes before me but keeps her mouth agape for me to kiss her.

Crap this is actually happening. I'm going to kiss her. And she wants to.

"Elias kiss me already." She says and I notice I zoned out and she still has her eyes closed. I lean to her and connect our lips. She starts kissing me back as I lean more into it.

She moves her hands to the back of my neck pulling me in deeper. I hold her face and kiss with all the frustration I have been feeling.

It feels like home. Like I belong here. Her lips are so inviting and warm. The definition of home.

I pull back and see her lips are more plump and glossy. She leans back in and kisses me harder. I kiss her back just wanting this moment to never end. I rub her back as we kiss the night away. Kissing her is the highlight of today. I never want to stop, ever.

And the fact that she is kissing me back with as much force makes me want to melt. She pulls away this time, she puts her forehead against mine as we pant and try to catch our breath.

"That... was... the best.. kiss.. of my life." She smiles and looks at me. I can't help it and I peck her lips quickly.

"Same here." I laugh and she giggles with me. "I have been wanting to do that for so long." She says and I look at her with wide eyes.

"Yeah?" I ask and she nods fast. "Mhm." She lips her lips as she moves so she is now tucked into my side. She resumes the tv and we go back to sitting in each other's presence.

By far the best first kiss ever.

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