Chapter 42 ~ Jumpscare

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It's been three months since Elias' 'accident'. Elias has been healing well and is off the ice for now. He had to take medicine for a while but he just got off of it and he should be back to hockey in a matter of time.

Abby and Cole have been traveling since Cole is suspended from the team for a while for starting a fight with the other team that night. Which is ridiculous since Cole had every right.

But Elias didn't seem to mind being at home. Of course when he was home. I have been sick all week due to lack of water. I have been so worried about him that I haven't been drinking. I have also been sleeping in the guest room that used to be his room since there is no point in sleeping in mine and Elias' room when he is not even here. Plus his room has less windows which is great for my vampire phase.

I'm sitting on the guest bed with a cup of tea reading a book. It's the best way to kill time while sick. Abby texted me saying that her and Cole are going to be coming back from their trip in a matter of days.

I love how much they are enjoying their company with each other, but being home alone sick sucks. And it's quite weird how there are four people living here yet I'm the only one here all the time.

Besides school which I had to take a break from, I have been in here all day and night. So here I am sitting in bed with Dax cuddling away reading a book that I know will make me cry but I like that feeling.

I hear the front door open but don't feel like talking to whoever is there so I turn over to pretend to be asleep.

Footsteps come into the room and then a body hovers over me. "You shouldn't leave your door unlocked, you know." I jump at the familiar voice. Both Leo and Dylan are standing in my room right now.

"Ge- get out." I stutter and grab my hot tea from my desk. "I won't hesitate to throw it at you." I say and notice Dax is still asleep on my bed. I don't want to wake him but I feel as if he is the best option.

"Get out, don't make me wake my dog up." I say and they start to laugh. I tap Dax and he shoots up. He sees the guys and starts to bark. Leo and Dylan grab me but Dax jumps off the bed and starts to jump on them while biting.

I'm not sure what is happening but I feel my face sting. I touch it to see blood. I hit the floor and see Dax chasing the guys away.

He comes back to me when I assume the coast is clear. I pet him, "Good boy." I say and he licks my face. I love this dog to pieces.

I get up after a while of feeling dizzy and limp to the bathroom. I look up in the mirror to see my eye is scratched. I know it wasn't Dax because this is a human nail scratch.

I clean it up and head to my room. I make sure the front door as well as the balcony door is locked. I lay back down to only notice I'm crying.

I could have been killed, I don't know what they were here for. If I didn't have Dax I could have died.

I'm so mad at everyone. I'm mad at Abby and Cole for being away, and I'm mad at Elias for never being here. Because if they were here, they would have never got in.


I sleep the rest of the day trying to figure out what to do. I'm being left in the dark, aren't I?

Maybe they realized that they don't want me to be their friend but they are not saying anything because they don't want to hurt my feelings and kick me out? Even though my feelings are already hurt.

I haven't eaten all day either. Like I said, I'm sick so my appetite is worse. I can't eat anything without throwing up. And the stuff I can eat, we don't have, and if I try to go to the store I might get into an accident.

Screw it, I'm freaking hungry and I'm a big girl, I don't need anyone to take care of me. I kiss Dax goodbye and head out. I walk to my car already feeling dizzy but I brush it off.

I start my drive to the grocery store and everything is fine so far. My eyesight is getting blurry but I'm almost there.

I make it safely to the store and walk in. I'm getting these states because I'm limping as I walk. I make it to the Raman section and grab a whole box of my favorites. I walk to the cashier and start to pay, she smiles at me but I guess she sees my pale face and the huge scar on my forehead.

"Ma'am, do you need me to call someone to come get you? You don't look too good, did you drive?" She asks in a concerned voice and I wave her off.

"I'm fine, yes I drove here myself but I'm fine its not that far of a drive."

"Ma'am you should sit down before you get hurt." She brings the phone to her ear and calls for who I'm assuming is her manager because she is asking for a chair.

I put the money on the counter and she hung up the phone. She pulls out a closed thingy that you put on the counter and walks around. "Come here we need to sit you down." She grabs me and my noodles and walks me to the staff room.

I sit in a chair now feeling completely dizzy. She helps me to drink water. This lady is so nice. I love her.

"Thank you." I say and she nods and goes to her knees to sit in front of me. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I got sick a couple days ago. That would explain my pale face and my state. But these two guys broke into my house wanting to take me so my dog scared them off. That's how I got this scratch." I say out of breath.

"Have you been eating and drinking?" She looks at me with a concerned face, not commenting on the whole breaking in thing. I shake my head, "I throw everything up when I'm sick except for Raman noodles, I don't have any so I came here."

We talk for a little but as I keep talking I start to get dizzy. All I remember is falling limp in the cashiers arms, being carried to a hospital most likely.


This was kind of unnecessary but I feel as though it will connect all together just bare with me and my messy writing.

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