Chapter 24 ~ Comfortable

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It's now Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Fayette's parents had to go for a business trip so they said their goodbyes this morning. I was sad to leave Paris because we had such a good time here. Well except for some things here and there.

I want to come back here with just Fayette though. Hopefully we will be more than closer at that point. Even if I didn't get to confess my feelings this time, I know that there is a next time if I'm quick enough.

I know Fayette is seeing Matt or talking to him, but I don't think it will last very long. Abby told me that he has a bad reputation and he has been to prison for many many bad things. Abby said we can bring it up to Fayette when we get back.

Now we are packing up to leave tonight. Fayette has been packing a lot more stuff as well since we are moving into a bigger place, she will have room for all that stuff. I know she packed more of her clothes and a lot of her books.

We contacted the relator and told her that we would be coming back tomorrow night and will most likely move in within the next week. I mean we all already have our stuff ready and packed. All we have left to do is put the small things away. The girls had more stuff then we do though because me and Cole didn't have so many clothes or furniture.

And of course, Abby can't get rid of her pink couch so we are sadly taking it with us.

Me and Cole have a lot going on with hockey when we get back. Since this year is coming to an end, we are playing most schools around the area and we have to be on top of our game. And since me and Cole took this week off for traveling, we have a lot to catch up on.

Fayette and Abby said they would move most of the boxes in the new apartment and then once me and Cole are not so busy, we would go and buy the other stuff later in the process. I don't like the fact that the girls want to do that all by themselves but what can I do?

Fayette and Abby are now putting their things in the car and we are going to head to the airport. Fayette and Abby are sleeping on each other while me and Cole are on our phones. After the plane ride we are going to get a hotel so that we don't overdo ourselves.


It's now around 12am and we made it to the hotel. Abby and Fayette passed out so Cole and I had to take all their luggage plus ours and strap it to Cole's car. That means we also had to carry them into the hotel room.

"Coleee" Abby murmurs in her half sleep state. Cole walks up to her and gives he a kiss on her forehead. "What's up baby?" He asks and she moves over. "Come sleep with me." She opens her arms and Cole gives me a look.

I nod and take Fayette from the bed and move her to the other one. We were planning on Fayette and Abby sleeping in the same bed, but I guess Abby had different plans.

I place Fayette down on the bed after taking the covers off and putting her in the bed. She is wearing comfortable clothes so I don't have to worry about her being uncomfortable. She moves herself to get more comfortable.

I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable so I decide to sleep on the couch. I grab an extra pillow and a blanket I found in the closet and set it up on the nice small couch.

Great, small couch for a huge hockey guy.. Good for me.

I get comfortable and after what feels like hours I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see Fay and she has changed into sleepwear. "Why are you on the couch?"

"I uh didn't want to make you uncomfortable and Abby and Cole are sharing so I don't mind." I give her a smile and she shakes her head. "Elias I don't mind at all you should know by now that I don't care." She says.

"I'm fine really , Fayette." I turn back over to face the couch. I then feel my blanket getting taken from me and then seconds later my pillow gets snatched from under me.

"What the hell Fay?" I turn to see her walking to her bed. She sits and pats the spot next to her but I don't give in so easily. I turn back and cuddle with my body heat.

I hear her sigh and get up again. Next I feel a weight on top of me. I turn slightly to see Fayette cuddled on top of me using my body heat for warmth.

"If you're uncomfortable, then I'm uncomfortable." She says and I sigh and open my mouth to speak but she speaks for me. "No buts." She says and closes her eyes.

I give up and turn so I face her and she is on top of me. I grab her hips and pull us up. She wraps her legs around my waist and I walk over to the bed. I lay her down and she still clings to me thinking I'm going to drop her off and go back to the couch.

I'm getting in on the other side." I say and she nods hesitantly letting me go. I pull the covers to her and get in on the other side. I turn to face her and she does the same.

She intertwined our hands and then closed her eyes. I stare for a while just letting myself recognize her face. She does things to me and it scares the crap out of me. She is so put together but so broken at the same time. But she puts on this face to cover it up.

She has this need that she feels she needs to put everyone first. She is putting her health at risk by putting us first. I don't want her to hate herself because she didn't take care of herself.

I promise myself that I will not let her half ass anything and that she will learn to love herself first. I also want her to know that she needs to treat herself more.

I know with all her classes it can be hard for her to adjust sometimes. And because of her school, she sleeps less and also eats less.

Seeing how Cole is with Abby, makes me want to be that for Fayette. I want to take care of her... and I'm going to.

I'm going to make sure she sleeps on time and gets better sleep. I'm going to make sure she eats all three meals a day and doesn't skip her vitamins. I'm going to make sure she doesn't fail to study hard, but also give herself a break. I'm going to make sure that she doesn't skip a shower, her skincare, or a drink of water.

I'm going to make sure she is healthy so that I can be a person myself.

Because if she isn't a person, then I might as well not be one either.

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