Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

I stood like a statue, unable to even lift a finger.

"What is this?" he repeated in a soft voice and that somehow brought me back to life.

I charged forward and snatched the letter from him. "What the hell, James, why are you going through my stuff?"

"I wasn't going through your stuff," his voice trailed still in shock. "I sat on the couch and this poked me."

I stared at him on the verge of breaking. He stared back at me, emotionless. For the first time, I haven't a single idea what's going on inside his head. He stayed like that for a second too long that it irked me. "Say something."

He blinked slowly and looked away, "I figured you were Pixel but who was Gap? Was it Clark?"

I exhaled loudly and sank down the sofa, "Yes. Although it should be spelled G-A-A-P."

He stayed as his stoic self and didn't say anything.

"It stood for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, he just never understood it."

He nodded slowly then his lips curled into a scowl then a raging emotion suddenly brewed inside of him, surfacing in his demeanor as if he just realized what had happened. "I'm going to break his face," he marched to the door with a purpose.

"Where are you going?"

"To Rockefeller Center."

I rushed to stop him, "No, you're not."

"I'm gonna punch him in the throat, Grant."


"Who does he think he is?" he grabbed the paper from me and held it in his hand, almost tearing, then threw it in the air.

"Is that all you have to say?" I asked. "You wouldn't ask about Randall Steinhouse?"

"I couldn't give a flying rat's ass about Randall. Whoever believes his stories are halfwits. That motherfucker always brags about sleeping with women he never stood a chance with. And I know you," he stopped at stared at me. "From the short time I've known you, I know you wouldn't do that."

I don't know if it's the way he said it or the fact that he didn't doubt me even for a second or that I've kept this rumor a secret to everyone for the past six months or maybe all of it that made my heart swell, my eyes water, and my limbs cling to him like magnets.

"Sshhh," he cooed calmingly. "It's alright." He grabbed my head with both hands, "Hey, hey, I hate to see you cry," he swiped the tears from my face. "But if that's what you need to do right now, let it all out. I'm here." He hugged me close to his chest again until a part of his shirt clung to his skin from my tears.

After my tears were maxed out, I told him everything that happened at Steinhouse. How Randall made his advances without me noticing, how everyone in the office called me names behind my back, and how my manager power-tripped me into leaving because she likes Randall.

"That bastard." He cursed under his breath and stood from the couch. The springs under the foam creaked from the loss of his weight.

"Where are you going?"

"To Rockefeller Center then to Steinhouse." He reached the door then turned to me, "I'm gonna teach those schmucks a lesson."

"Stop. No."

"What do you mean no? They need to know they messed with the wrong person. No one can treat you like that. No one should." The veins on his temples were pulsing with anger. I can't help but chuckle.

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