Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Harper!" a six-foot-something silver fox greeted with arms wide open.

"Mitchell!" Harper hugged him, "Oh, I've missed you, old buddy."

He rolled his eyes, "Nothing about me looks old, Soup."

"Whatever. It's so good to see you," her face lighted up as she slapped his shoulder.

"And I, you." He nodded. "Care to introduce me to your team?"

"Of course. This is Cassandra Applegate, the team lead for this year's audit. This is Dave Watterson and this one here is Lauren Grant. She's new."

"Oh, so we have a fresh meat in our midst."

Harper laughed, "Barely. She worked for Steinhouse before us."

He turned to me, "Oh, so you're used to abuse?"

I lowered my head. Harper ribbed him.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean–"

I met his eyes, "It's okay."

"No," he raised his hands. "Abuse is never okay. It's just that Steinhouse has a reputation, which I'm sure you know, but I shouldn't have made that joke. I..." he put his hands together, "I truly am sorry."

I nodded, "Of course. And apology accepted."

He let out an audible sigh, "Thank God. How's MGC treating you so far?"

"It's been pretty great, so far," I smiled because, for the first time, it wasn't a lie. MGC has been really good to me despite the few slip-ups with Harper giving Axel my private information. It wasn't great. It's actually illegal and I can sue. But her heart was set in the right place, I couldn't fault her for that.

"That's good to hear," he nodded, relief washed all over his face. "Anyway, it's nice to meet all of you. I'm Mitchell Graham."

"The G in MGC," Harper interjected.

"Please, I'm the MG in MGC."

Harper scoffed, amused, "Autumn will kill you."

"Well, she ain't here, honey." He replied, eliciting a hearty chuckle from Harper.

She nodded at us, "Let's get to the office?"

"Yeah," Cassandra said, and Dave and I nodded in agreement.

As we walk down the hallway, office noise comes abuzz. Several phones were ringing from different offices – each becoming faint as we continued to walk. But as the sound of dot matrix printers gets louder, I knew we were getting close to the Accounting department.

Mitchell opened the department's glass door and cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention. "Good morning, everyone!"

"Morning, Mitchell!"

"Can I please call all of you in the middle for a quick meeting?" they paused the printers and walked near us. There were only seven of them.

"Here with us today is Harper Campbell, our CFO from head office, and her audit team. Now, I've told you that there will be an internal audit anytime this month." They nodded. "That is this week and they'll be the ones who'll do it. I hope you had ample time to prepare and organize all your documents so that this whole process would be easier for everyone. And with that said..." He motioned to Harper, "I will leave the floor to you."

"Thank you, Mitchell."

Someone knocked on the door, "Hey, Mitchell, sorry to interrupt, but I have Line 1, London waiting for you. They said it's urgent."

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