Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


China clinked as the waiter proceeded to clear our table.

The dinner was excellent. And I enjoyed Lauren's company even if she didn't utter a single word while we ate.

Some people might think it's weird this way, but I don't mind. As long as she's with me, I'm at peace. It's strange and scary, but it feels right. I just wish she could feel the same way.

"Dinner was great, huh?" I started.

She gave a curt nod then looked out to the sea.

I watched her as she sat under the warmth of the twinkle lights – her long dark locks swayed with the soft breeze as it catches the light.

She's so perfect.

And I'm an idiot.

"It's a lovely evening, don't you think?" I started, breaking the silence. "How come they don't celebrate Halloween here?"

No response.

"I loved the dolphins earlier," I said in hopes of some reaction, but nothing. "Did you see the ostrich that was hiding behind a bush? I saw it when I came out of the bathroom. Oh, and-"

"Cut the crap, James." Her face was stern when she faced me. "Why are you doing this?"

"I'm just making conversation."

"No, you're deflecting. I need an explanation."

I exhaled a breath.


I was dreading this moment, but I knew it was inevitable.

I know I should be ready, knowing I let it drag this long. But somehow, after all this time, I still don't know how to explain everything. Or anything, for that matter.

"Well, I saw you drinking with Cassandra, Dave, and some other people at The Palace the other night."

"Not that." confusion etched all over her face. "But, okay," she nodded. "Let's start with that. How did we get here?"

"Well, by the plane. And then by the ferry."

"That's established, dumbass. Get to the point."

"I was just lightening the mood," I defended. She was serious. "Okay, here it goes. I, uh, I saw you drinking."

"Uh-huh, we already know that. Can you pick up the pace? How slow can your thought process be?"


I cleared my throat, "Anyway, I vaguely remember that I asked what I can do for you to forgive me."

Asked? More like begged.

Her brows rose in surprise but soon followed by intrigue. "And?"

"And you ignored me."

She chuckled.

"Then I asked what I can do to make it better and you said nothing unless I can magically extend your stay and take you-" I looked at my surroundings, "here."

She paused for a while, seeming to take it all in.

"Oh," she said under her breath and her eyes closed from embarrassment. She covered her face with her hands.

It's the cutest thing.

I shook the thought away. What's wrong with me? I'm walking on the sharp edge of a knife and all my stupid brain can think of is how cute she is?

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