Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Two days later, the Sydney team took us to a Seafood restaurant near the Opera house.

"A toast," Mitchell raised his glass. "To a successful audit."

"Hear, hear," Harper said and the sound of clinking glasses followed and we all took a sip of the pink champagne.

As I placed my glass back down the table, Lizzy leaned to me and whispered, "Hey, Lauren, can you pass me the Pavlova?"

"I'm sorry, the what?"

She pointed her finger to the cake. "Oh, okay," I reached for it and gave it to her, "here."

"Thank you. Let's get a slice while they're all chatted up."

"Well..." I said, weary. "We haven't even had the main course yet."

"Yeah," she said as if it's a no-brainer. "We'll save it for later." She shook her head amusedly, "Just wait till you see how much they'll fight over it like animals. I am telling you, Lauren, this restaurant has the best Pavlova you'll ever eat in your life. This is a seafood resto, but seafood isn't the reason why people return here. It's this." She looked directly into my eyes and nodded slowly, "Trust me."

"Okay, I trust you." I agreed without a doubt then we both sliced into it.

I didn't expect it to crunch like that, like cutting into soft wafers. I placed it back to the center of the table without any of them noticing. Lizzy and I glanced at each other mischievously and laughed.

"Hey, what are y'all laughing at?" Dave asked, wanting to join in on the conversation.

"Oh, nothing," Lizzy said then took another sip of the champagne. I raised my glass to Dave as Lizzy placed hers on the table.

"You know," I started. "It's kind of a bummer that we didn't even get to see some sights and spend some time with you guys."

"Yeah," she clicked her tongue. "But you audited us so you had to keep your independence and not get too familiar with us."

I let out an audible sigh, "Yeah." Just one of the many disadvantages of being an auditor.

"How about this? Let's exchange contacts and we can visit each other when we're at the same place. You know, maybe I'd go to New York for a vacation and you'll come back here to accomplish your sightseeing."

"Hm, I'd love that." I clinked my glass to hers.

Lizzy wasn't lying when she said they'll fight over the Pavlova. Not like animals though, more like passive-aggressive professionals. Like Lions sneaking on their prey before they attack.

After dinner, we walked to the Sydney Opera house. Seeing its iconic arches up-close and personal got me feeling some type of way. I can't help but admire how well-crafted and beautifully made it was. The material of the roof reminded me of chevron patterns and the glass walls reminded me of trig class sophomore year.

"You know, that weird dome shape is supposed to mimic the roof of our mouths," Dave said next to me while I look up at this marvel of an architectural masterpiece.

I sighed then glanced at him. I found that he's looking up the building too with both hands in his pockets. I inspected the building again, "It sucks that we didn't even get to see the inside."

"Yeah, must be quite an experience."

I turned to him. I hesitated for a moment but finally found the courage to ask.


He glanced at me with raised brows, "Yup?"

"How are you on the Manila scene? We haven't talked about it yesterday. Are you coming with us or are you going back to New York?"

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