Chapter 33| A Blast From The Past

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Chapter thirty-three: A blast from the past


We all got up late the next morning. Despite the late night, we were all pretty chirpy. We all made lunch together and had fun doing it. It wasn't the best meal we had, but that was bound to happen. After all, we all know too many cooks spoil the broth. Too bad it didn't stop us.

George and Griffin left after that ridiculous lunch. We wanted them to stay but they had date plans since it was Sunday evening. Inspired by them, Josh and Sam decided to go out as well, except they left for Josh's place.

Alone with Kai in the apartment felt nice, but I wanted to go out, too. Kai seemed to sense that, because an hour into the movie, he took the remote and switched the TV off.

"Come on," he stood up, extending his hand for me to take, "We're going out."

"Hun?" I was surprised by the suddenness of his proposition.

"Your heart is not in that today," he said as he pointed at the TV. "Let's go have a night out."

A fucking book.

"Alright! I'd love to." I grinned. I took his hand and hoisted myself up. "But where?"

"I've been thinking for a while and I have a place in my mind," he replied, pulling me towards the door. He took my coat off the hanger and held it out for me.

"Don't I have to change?" I asked, looking down at my pajamas.

"Nope," he grinned, "You'll fit right in."

I chuckled, finally sliding my hands through it and tying it up. It felt thrilling to be this spontaneous and his obvious excitement was rubbing off on me.

"Lemme just grab my phone!" I laughed as I remembered, walking back to the table and picking it up. "And my wallet," I detoured to my room.

"You're with me, you don't need it!" He called back.

"Still!" I emerged back into the living room with it. "I'm ready. Let's go."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He did not disappoint. But then, Kai rarely ever did.

He took me to Ms. Suzie's. I couldn't believe it. The place had barely changed. It was still the small cozy café with small and numbered booths. It was minimalistic in appearance and made you feel right at home. The pastries were still mind-blowing and heavenly. We got two each along with some hot coffee.

"Mr. Brown -that's my coach- would freak out if he knew the amount of unnecessary calories I've been stuffing down my face these days," Kai had joked when we had placed our order. I, being the person who ate without guilt and restrictions, couldn't relate, and that had made him roll his eyes and stifle a laugh.

We met Ms. Suzie. She had actually recognized us in an instant and sat with us in our booth, giving us company as all of us sat there and reminisced our high school days. She even remembered Sam and Josh. I used to ship them with her. She was more than pleased to know that they were now a couple. She told us to tell them to visit. We agreed readily. She was so happy to see us, she packed us more pastries for later and wouldn't accept a penny in return. That woman could stand her ground.

By the time we left, it was almost dinner time. With the pastries stashed safely in the car, we walked around the streets that were once our whole life. It made me think. There was a time I believed that I would grow up and die there. I never thought I'd actually move out to California for four years and then come back to New York only to live on practically the opposite side of the city.

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