Chapter 20| Mood Swings

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Chapter twenty: Mood swings


Kaison's appointment had gone well. The doctor had been pleased with his progress. She'd also scheduled his appointments for physiotherapy from the next day onwards.

Kai was happy with his healing, but the physiotherapy bit didn't sit well with him.

After that, I safely dropped him home. The paparazzi had all but gone. But just to be safe, I dropped him off a block away and he walked the rest of the course. To be on the more unassailable side, he entered his building like a fugitive from the back door.

He insisted that I joined him for an afternoon snack but I declined. For one, I did not want to be spotted in public with him. I had work to worry about. I could not afford to be the office gossip. I liked my quiet life, thank you very much. Also, I had to pick up my roommate and his boyfriend from the airport.

I also had to do laundry. It was late, but I needed clothes. With Kai around, I had completely forgotten that I needed fresh apparel. So with the guys home safe and jet-lagged, I got to work. Since I was busy and they were tired after the five-hour flight, we decided to order in.

Battered from the day's events, I trudged back to the apartment. I was ready to collapse. I let myself in and dumped the basket beside the door, closing the door and sliding down to the ground against it. I shut my eyes.

"I see you have done your laundry," I heard George comment.

"Not in the mood, G," I grumbled, not bothering to open my eyes.

"I see that." He chuckled. "Dinner?"

"No. Sleep."

"Sleep?" He repeated questioningly.

I opened my eyes menacingly. "I. Want. Sleep."

"Okay, got it." He raised his hands in defense. "You want to sleep. Sleep you shall get."

"Good," I huffed. "Take me to bed," I demanded.

"Excuse you, young lady," Griffin walked in, "That's my boyfriend you're talking to."

I was so over his 'my boyfriend is mine' phase at the moment.

"Shut your trap," I snapped at him. "He's basically my brother."

He swung the fridge open and pulled out the carton of juice. "Umhmm."

"She on that time of the month?" George directed at Griffin.

"Yup. But it's almost over," Griffin answered, waving his hand dismissively.

"Thank god," George sighed.

"I'm right here," I barked.

"Right, sorry." George scratched his head. "I'll just be sitting there, trying not to piss you off any more than you are."


"I'll get you to bed," Griffin interrupted, setting the carton on the table tiredly. "Leave him alone."

"Whatever," I said, miffed. "Just get me there."

"Yes ma'am." He mock-saluted, walking over. He deftly picked me up. "Oomph," he groaned a little, "Olive, those chocolates and ice creams did not do you any favors."

"Nor did those tequila shots you so intently kept throwing down your throat every five minutes at the club," I retorted, punching his shoulder. He glowered down at me and I stuck my tongue out at him in response.

"I'll drop you," he threatened as he walked.

"I dare you." I narrowed my eyes at him. He clicked his tongue in frustration, shouldering the door open. Then his face cleared.

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