Chapter 13| Tumble Down With The Moon Cycle

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Chapter thirteen: Tumble down with the moon cycle


There wasn't a lot for me to pack since I hadn't unpacked much. I was done quickly. I made a quick sweep of the room to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything essential like my phone charger, or my underwear. It had happened before. I was still mortified by the memory.

When I was done, I nibbled on the fresh chocolates I now had while I scrolled through my social media on the phone. I had a few new follow requests on my IG account, but one of them stuck out. I paused eating as I read it again.


It was a private account. One I distinctly remembered removing from my followers a few years back, and even if I didn't, the initials were a dead giveaway.

Kaison Eric Jennings.

I wondered what to do with it. On one hand, I wanted nothing more than to accept that request. On the other . . . I didn't think I was ready. Since I couldn't decide, I gave up and left it for later. I switched apps. I had other texts from Griffin telling me that they had spread the word to the entire batch and that most of them would be there.

At nine twenty-five, I locked my phone and walked out with my keys. I had decided to give those chocolates a rest. I had eaten a big bar and a half in approximately twelve hours. That was more than freaking enough.

I skipped towards the game room, following the directions Sam had texted me. I was feeling better than I had been in the morning. Breakfast had definitely helped. And of course, the ibuprofen.

Kai fell into step with me. "Where are ya going?"

"Where do you think?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Back to Angeltown?" He suggested.

I laughed. "That was lame."

"It did its job, though," he smirked. "How're you feeling?"

"Good." I nodded. "Better than yesterday."

"That's nice." He smiled. "Can I finally have your number?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm pretty sure you still have it."

"You told me to delete it," he countered.

"Like you did exactly that," I scoffed. "You forget that I know you well, Jennings."

He laughed shamelessly. "Fair enough."

"So, you have my number?" I asked.

"I do," he confirmed brazenly.

"Bastard." I shook my head, amused.

"All is fair in love and war," he stated, shrugging.

"And what's this?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"We'll see." He winked, opening the door to the game room. That was fast.

I blinked, walking in. "Thanks."

Most of the party was there already. Funnily enough, they had cleared space some space for a table of food and drinks again even though we had just had breakfast. The place had pool tables, table tennis, foosball, and other stations of entertainment. No wonder that resort was so sought after in the area. It had excellent service and entertaining activities along with a beautiful scenic view.

"Liv!" Sam bounded up to me with a grin. "We have to play foosball!"

"Okay!" I giggled, watching Josh migrate over to us, his eyes fixed on Sam.

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